Chapter 1

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Ever heard of a lucid dream? Something unique and a bit rare right?

A dream which in the dreamer knows and has conscious of what's happening in the dream, like if he or she is actually living in the dream.
She or he can gain control of characters, narrative, storyline, anything they want. ( sometimes).

Kinda cool, am I right?
Of course it is....... but of obviously everything great in life ,has a disadvantage. 

Anyways, my name is a Y/n Miller, just your average 16 year old, sophomore year, teenage girl, who is  lucid dreamer.

But you could call me different then the other lucid dreamers.
Your probably asking, what makes me different right?
Well you could call me half a lucid dreamer and half a normal dreamer, it's quite confusing.
My point is that when I lucid dream, I do it normally of course, but for some reason I can never remember what happened, when I wake up.
Usually people when they dream, they can't remember at least 80% of what happened, and can only explain at least the basics of they dream.
As for me, I lucid dream, but once I wake up it's like nothing happened, and I just dreamt of something that I can never put a finger on what happened.

Present day

I was just about to finish the last chapter of Cherry , when my mom knocked on the door and peeled her head inside.

Mom: Y/n bedtime! Tomorrow is school!

Y/n: Sure! Let me just finish this chapter! - I said

Mom: You can finish it tomorrow, time to sleep. Cmon chop, chop!

Y/n: Fine! - I closed my book

Mom: Night!

Y/n: Bye.

I put my book on the bedside table, and put on my pajamas. I went to the toilet and brushed my teeth, then braided my hair into two pig tails. I headed to my bed and got into the bedsheets, once I felt comfortable, I turned off the bedside lamp and fell asleep.

Soon enough, I was dreaming. This time I was at a park. There was no people surrounded, just the green grass, the blue sky, and some animals around.
I was walking around , playing with the animals since I didn't have nothing better to do, I approach a tree and I sat down next to it.
I was in the mood of drawing, and apparently next to me there was a sketch book and a pencil.

I started sketching some random things, that's when I heard someone else's voice.... which was weird. It was coming from behind. I put down my book and pencil, and stood up. I looked behind the tree where saw a boy.

"How could he be here? It's my dream.... I have full control.... what the fuck is he doing here? " - I thought to myself

I decided to approach him, I walked across and I stood in front of him. His hair was curly, he had bangs, he looked so calm, his eyes were closed, he was just humming, and nodding his head.

Y/n: Who are you? - I asked

The dude stopped humming and opened his eyes.

Tom: huh..... Wait what?! Who are you?! And what are you doing here?! - He spoke in fright

Y/n: I could ask you the same thing. This is MY dream and what are you doing here?!

Tom: Sorry love, but your the lost one. This is my dream. My scenario. My mind.

Y/n: Think you're wrong. How is this even possible?! Wait.....are you a lucid dreamer?

Tom: Yeah... I'm guessing you are too right? - He spoke in a moody tone

Y/n: Yea.... but.... how are we even in the same dream?

Tom: Ya think, I know? Now let me be! - He crosses his arms and closed his eyes again.

Y/n: Ugh whatever.

I walked away from the random dude, and went back to where I was drawing. I sat down again and started to draw.
A while later,  I heard footsteps coming towards me, it was coming from behind the tree . I peeked behind the tree and saw that dude coming my way ,  I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: What do you want? - I said rudely

Tom: Can't a dude, walk around?

Y/n: Whatever.

I kept on drawing, that's when the dude sat next to me, and looked at me. I looked at him back. We were in awkward silence, a minute later,  I broke the silence.

Y/n: What do you want? I thought you wanted me to let you be?

Tom: Meh, got bored..... anyways sorry for the tude earlier.

Y/n: Yea sure. - I smirked

Tom: Those are some nice sketches tho...- he said a bit embarrassed

Y/: Thanks... you know, kinda got nothing to do on my mind, usually my lucid dreams would be awesome.

Tom: Oh you say.... so  what's your name?

Y/n: Oh it's-

That's when I heard my mom calling my name, sounded like she was trying to wake me up.

Y/n: Shoot, I gotta leave.

Tom: School huh?

Y/n: Yup! Anyways bye then! Imma wake up!

Tom: Cya nerd ! - He chuckled

I woke up and my mom was at my door, calling my name.

Mom: Oh good , your up, Time to get ready hun, it's Monday, that means school day!

Y/n: Sure mom! - I stretched out my arms

My mom left my room, I just lied down on my bed staring at the ceiling, trying to think about my dream, but nothing popped up, except for the fact that I met someone..... and we talked?

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