Chapter 2

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For some reason, after the recent lucid dream I had , I felt a bit off and weirded out.
Something happened, but I couldn't put my finger on it, I talked to someone ,if I'm right..... but who?

After school

I decided to go to Gabriel's (coffee place) with one of friends. She really wanted to go get a drink and asked me to go with her. I accepted since I didn't have nothing better to do.

We arrived and sat down at a table, at  the outside area.
June ( your friend) and I were talking for a bit, since it was quite full it took a bit long for the waiter to arrive.

After a while, my phone started to ring, I checked to see who it was. It was my dad calling.

Y/n: Shoot! I gotta take this, if the waiter comes, just order for me an iced tea drink.

June: Sure!

Tom's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about that girl that appeared in my dream, I don't know why. It's like she was stuck in my head, there was nothing special about her tho, the only thing that was on my mind was
why did she out of all people, did I share a lucid dream with?

After school, I headed straight to work.
I just worked at a local coffee shop near the books store at London street.
I arrived at work, and put on my uniform .
I was ordered to go to table 5 outside.  I went outside and saw a girl sitting at the table texting.

Tom: Hey, welcome to Gabriel's , may I take your order? - I smiled

June: Sure, just an iced tea for my friend and a cappuccino for me.

Tom: Sure thing.... your with someone else?

June: Yea why? Find me attractive ? - She giggled

Tom: Omg! no!........ not like it's a bad thing..... your cute, but I just met you! - I turned really red as I was stuttering.

June: Omg.... chill down! I'm kidding, I'm just with a friend , that's a girl. Your such a dork! - She giggled

Tom: I guess so.... - I was embarrassed

June: What's your name?

Tom: Oh Tom..... you?

June: June. - She smiled

Tom: Well June.... imma head now and get your order.

June: Sure thing.

As I walked away, I heard someone calling the name "waiter, waiter" I looked behind me, as what it looked like the girl I met in my dream was here? I stopped as my body froze, that's when she tripped.....


My dad called apparently he wanted me to babysit one of his workers daughter, I agreed and said that I would be coming in an hour or so.

Afterwards, I was heading back to our table, when I remembered that I forgot to tell June to mention to the waiter that I don't take sugar in my drink. I jogged to our table when I saw that the waiter was leaving, I tried to catch up to him, that's when I caught his attention.

He looked behind as he just stood there and stared at me. Once I was about to get to him, I tripped but I didn't land on the ground, I landed in the waiters arms.

I looked at him as he stared down at me, it's like I've seen him before, but I can't remember him. He looked like he just saw a ghost, we didn't say a word.

After a while of staring and silence, I got out of his arms, as I smirked embarrassingly. I left someone then grab my shoulder, as she giggled.

June: Oh you two, must be soulmates or something, y'all are both dorks!

Tom: I guess so! - He smiled and put his hands inside his pockets.

Y/n: Yeah! Anyways sorry dude.

Tom: No problem.... by the way, you look really familiar have we met?

Y/n: Actually you also look familiar, but I don't recall meeting you. - I said confused

Tom: Oh, then I might of mistaken you for someone else. Sorry!

Y/n: No problem! Anyways just wanted to let you know ,  that when you make my tea, no sugar please.

Tom: Sure! See y'all around!

June: See ya!

June and I sat down at our table, as we stayed quiet. That's when I noticed June looking at me, giving me a dirty smirk.

Y/n: What?

June: Oh nothing...... that was cute

Y/n: What was cute?

June: You and Tom.......are so adorbs.

I turned bright red as shivers went down my back.

Y/n: No June, I just met the guy.

June: Actions speak louder than words hun! - She said prideful

Y/n: Shut up...

After I had coffee with June, I headed to the location where my dad told me to go and I babysat the little girl. I couldn't get that Tom out of my head, why did he look so familiar...... have I met him?

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