Chapter 3

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Tom's POV

The girl I saw today, had to be the girl that I shared a dream with, It just had to. They looked exactly the same and even had the same voice. I just knew and had a tingle that it was her.
But how come she didn't recognize me?
It's accurate for every lucid dreamer to know what they dreamt about.... or maybe she is different?

After work

I went back home exhausted , took a warm shower and put some trousers and a vest on.
I headed downstairs, as mom was finishing off dinner and dad was watching golf, I helped mom set up the table and later we ate dinner. Later, I went to my room, I was really tired so I just finished off my homework, hoped on to bed and listen to some music while reading Chaos Walking.
Eventually I felt really tired that I couldn't even open my eyes and I precisely fell asleep.

In a bit of time I was dreaming again,  I was at the beach. This time I had no control of my dream, so basically anything could happen.
The beach was full of people but I decided to go to the area where I could be all by myself.
I arrived at an area where it wasn't populated. I decided to take a dip, I took out the t-shirt I was wearing, as I went to the water.


I was finally dreaming, hoping to find the piece I was missing and was trying to figure out.
I was at a beach it was full of people, I had no control of this lucid dream, so basically anything could happen, just like if it was in real life.
I walked around the beach and apparently ended  in a quiet place with no people, only the sounds of the water.  I decide to sit down on the sand , and think about who that someone or something that i was confused about.

Suddenly I heard some splashes, it was coming from the ocean. I saw a boy in the water, his hair dazzling and dripping, his jawline sharp, it could cut you, his arms strong and his veins appearing.

I stood up just to have a better view, the boy was still swimming. I walked forwards as I saw a t-shirt on the ground. It was certainly the boy's shirt , since there wasn't anyone around. I picked up the shirt as I sniffed into it. It smelled like roses and a summer breeze. I smelled it a bit more, that I didn't even notice that time had "passed."

Tom: See you having fun, smelling my shirt.... - He chuckled

I looked up and turned red, I felt so embarrassed, that I just hid my face behind his t-shirt.

Tom: Your adorable! - He smiled

I looked up as I noticed that he was the same dude that served June and I at Gabriel's.

Y/n: Wait aren't you the boy from Gabriel's?!!!!!

I uncovered my face.

Tom: I knew it! You are the girl! - He said cheerfully

Y/n: I guess so! You were a great waiter!

Tom: Wait...... don't you remember me from somewhere else? Like a lucid dream?

Y/n: I'm sorry, but I don't recall seeing or meeting you. I have this this where I forget what happens in my lucid dreams and -

Tom: Oh..... I get it. - He said in a down voice

Y/n: Sorry....... - I hid myself again behind his t-shirt

Tom: It's okay! the way, I know you like sniffing my shirt, but I kinda need it back. - He chuckled and opened his hand

Y/n: OMG! Here! Sorry! - I said embarrassed as I gave him back his shirt

Tom: Thanks! - He laughed

The dude from Gabriel's put on his shirt, as I just stood there looking at him.

Tom: Okay sniffer, you seem super adorable and cute, so I wanna get to know you.

Y/n: Omg is that my nickname you dork.... - I punched him gently

Tom: Ain't my fault you were sniffing my shirt!

Y/n: You smell good! What else would I have done?!

Tom: Easy! Kiss me! Fun fact! You think I'm hot and I smell good.... so what else would you want? Unless....  - He gave me a cheeky look

Y/n: Your so dumb and full of yourself! - I laughed and rolled my eyes

Tom: Love..... I only say facts! - He said proudly

Y/n: Yea sure.... I'm taken by the way.

Tom: Bahahhhahhahaha

Y/n: What? - I said confused

Tom: Your obviously single

Y/n: Why do you think that?

Tom: You look like the type, that wouldn't date guys randomly and that you are really quiet and doesn't t socialize a lot..... plus I can tell you haven't had your first kiss yet.

Y/n: Good job einstein! That's such a girl description about me - I said sarcastically

Tom: But who said I can't steal your first kiss? - He smirked

Y/n: Good luck with that! - I giggled, as I pat him on his left shoulder

Tom: ohhhhhh.... one way or another I'll steal it!

Y:n: Mhm...... We don't even know each others names doof.

Tom: It's Tom! What's yours sniffer?

Y/n: Stop calling me that name! - I whined
My name is Y/n.

Tom: Well Y/n your name will be sniffer!

Y/n: Your such an ass!

Tom: Be glad! I only do this with people who interest me! - He smirked

Y/n: Oh.... whatever! - I crossed my arms, turned my head, as I closed my eyes

Tom: Well sniffer, I know you won't remember this, but someway or another I'll make you remember!  I liked talking with you!

Y/n: Where ya going ?

Tom: It's time for school! So imma wake up! See you around sniffer! - He smiled

Y:n: Bye!

I woke up, with a huge smile on my face and different emotions running thru me. I was so confused, why is this happening to me?  Have I been meeting someone, who apparently has made being making me feeling weirder? I'm so confused..... is this a sign?

I heard my mom from the corridor telling me it was time for school, I hopped of my bed and headed to the shower. I dressed up and picked up my notebook where I wrote all my emotions, that's when I remember the word

Y/n: Sniffer?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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