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When I say I have a bad family, I mean it, even if you can't see it.

Hi, I'm Aria. I'm probably mental but no one cares about that, and have some serious problems but otherwise I'm  a completely normal 16 year old girl. 

6:30 am on a friday~


"Yes I'm up!!" I answer. If you were wondering who yelled, it was my (evil) mom who really hates me. I get up and get changed into my school uniform that consists of a shirt, sweater, a tie, pants, and my combat boots. I freshen up and go downstairs to leave to school. 

As I arrive downstairs I see my sister Lillian eating her breakfast. My stomach rumbles slightly, but I ignore it as usual. As I pass the living room, lulu runs up to me and licks my hand. I smile, as lulu is the only one that seems to appreciate me in this house. I remember when we got the little corgi pup and smile at the memory. I say bye to lulu and leave the house.

 As I walk to school I see a group of people crowding around something, so I decide to check it out. As I push though the crowd I notice a few people looking at the thing in the middle and making disgusted faces. As I reach the middle I almost threw up, seeing a dead person that I didn't know but have seen on tv. I turn around and run away as far as I can and calm down, taking out my phone and headphones then putting on my favorite playlist. I then continue walking to school.

When I reach the school, I see the usual. The "popular" girls standing there gossiping about someone, the "Jocks" pushing each other around, and Livi standing there waiting for me at the enterance. 

Livi is my crazy best friend. And by crazy I mean crazy. She tolerates my panic attacks/ angsity and my episodes/phases. Livi also has some mental problems and strict parents that set the bar too high and constantly compare her to other kids. On the positive side she is an only child. She has strawberry blond hair and jade green eyes, plump lips and is overall gorgeous . You wouldn't expect a girl that looks like her to hang out with me, but here we are.

As we make our way to class we discuss a new tv show that came out called 2020. It was about the pandemic that struck the world in 2020. Supposedly it was very interesting. As we were walking some boys started catcalling Livi but she brushed it off. When we came to class there were very little people there as class didn't start yet. We sat down and took out our ipads. Most students actually use computers but livi and I prefer ipads, because we can hand-write our notes rather then typing them out. 

Our school is a private school, and tech is necessary. We actually have some people that got tech from the school but that is because they got in by scholorship. Our school also has uniforms for sports and a normal uniform that we have to wear (a lot of people have to be sent home because of this specific rule). 

We hear the bell ring once, and people start crowding in taking their seats for this class (biology). The bell rings twice and the teacher comes in with his coffee, taking his seat at the front. The bell rings 3 times, and class starts. 

 After class ~

After class ends Livi and I go to our lockers to change our textbooks and to put away our bags. As we get there we take our ipad, ipen, and food. We then go sit outside in the field under the tree, and discuss theories about what happened in 2020. As we finish our food, some boys come up to us and start  flirting with livi. " Come join us at the tables, why would you hang out with that mentally ill freak,"- one of the boys says with a chuckle. I turn away already being used to the taunts, but it still hurts to hear them.

 Livi then procedes to stand up and slap him in the face while saying: " she is one of the most amazing humans i have ever met! She also manages to somehow have a personality of an angel, even though she goes through more pain every day of her life then you ever will experience. Aria also manages to get amazing grades along with all of that, and take care of a pet! Right now she is more than you will ever be." The boys glare at the two of us and then leave, going back to their table. 

"Why didn't you go with them and stand up for me? You know you can be really popular right?"- I ask. " You dummy, I don't care about popularity, I care about personality. And who came up to me on my first day here? You did, not them,"- I get as an answer. I smile, happy to have livi in my life. Honestly, I really don't know what I would do without her. We chat for another 10 minutes, till we hear the bell ring.

We go back inside and procede to walk to our English class. As we arrive our teacher is already there. The bell rings twice and then 3 minutes later thrice. The teacher starts off the class saying that we have to write an essay on any book we choose. As he goes around typing in what book we chose, I mentally pick "The Hunger Games". As the teacher comes around to us I tell him my choice and he types it in, after nodding in aproval.  I start reading and by the time class ends I have read half the book.

Livi and I go to the gym for sports class, in which we do gymnastics. I'm pretty good at gymnastics, unlike most people in our school. We also do a parkour, which was quite challenging as it was very high up. I aced it though, and after that we were allowed to do whatever we wanted so naturally livi and I played our favorite game. The game consisted of livi throwing the ball, and me catching it with my feet. As we were released to go to lunch, livi and I went out last. Before going to our ususal spot, we stopped by at our lockers to get our food. The school provides food, but its disgusting so we bring our own. 

After lunch~

We went to our afternoon classes, which consisted of Chosen Language and Geography. After school livi invited me to a cafe in the city, and of course I exepted. We sat down after getting our food, and started chatting normally. At one point, our abuse came up, so we started talking about how life would be without it.

Then, an idea struck me. I look at livi and whisper:... "what if we ran away, to Washington DC for example?, imagine how life would be..."

"Lets do it."  

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