| here we go again |

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~Two month later ~
Nini's POV

Two months. It's been two months since all the drama with Maya went down. While I will admit she doesn't glare at me anymore, (that I know of) but I do often catch her staring at me or at Ricky. At first it bothered me just because I have a strong disliking for her, but I learned to let it go because she's not necessarily doing anything.

That is until today.

Ricky and I were with our friends at lunch like usual, when maya and a few girls walked by and started whispering amongst themselves and laughing while looking at me.

I tried to ignore it because I know she's trying to get under my skin, but Ricky didn't take it as calmly as I did.


"What the hell?!" Ricky exclaims as he glares at Maya's back. "Did you guys see that?" He asks turning to the rest of the table. Everyone nodded, and glanced at me with worried looks on their faces.

"Guys it's fine she's just trying to get me worked up again. Jokes on her though because that was a one time thing." I say as I eat my lunch. "Neens she's going to keep going until you give her a reaction. Who knows how far it'll escalate." Gina said softly.
"I think you should just tell her off again, it put her in her place last time." Kourt said and everyone nodded.

"Sebby, do you agree with them?" I ask knowing Seb is the peacekeeper in our group, and wouldn't normally encourage fighting or drama.
"I think you just need to stand your ground and stick up for yourself." He said quietly, and I nodded.

"Neens I know you normally let things slide but everyone here cares about you and we don't want you to get walked all over." Ricky said taking my hand in his.

Truth is, I used to get bullied a lot. But I wouldn't stand up for myself because I was too nice, so I had ricky and Kourt there by my side and they always protected me.

"Nini we aren't always gonna be there to fight off the bad guys." Ej said and I nodded as I felt tears filling up my eyes.

I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath. "Come here love." I hear ricky say before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I try to contain my tears since I'm in a room with hundreds of students, but Ricky stood up pulling me with him and taking me out to the empty hallways.

"Ricky I'm—" I go to apologize but he pulls me into a hug. "Shh just let it all out baby." He whispers holding me tight. And I did, we spent the rest of lunch against the lockers while I sobbed in his arms.

After school

Ricky's POV

"Bye guys" I wave as I pull Nini out of the school by her hand.
"Ricky slow down!" She exclaimed giggling.

"I need your keys." I say holding out my hand when we get to her car. "What? Why?" She asked laughing, "Just hand them over it's a surprise." I say and she sighs but tosses her keys to me before climbing in the passenger seat.

"Soooo where are we going?" Nini asks looking at me while I pull out of the school parking lot. "That my love is the surprise." I say grabbing her hand and kissing it. "So unfair." I heard her mumble as she laced her fingers with mine.

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