Chapter 7

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"So..." Tommy starts, wrapping an arm around both Merton and Lori as the three of them sit close together on Merton's couch in the lair as they watch a couple episodes of Buffy. "We've talked about one thing, but there's still that other thing we've got to talk about."

After talking it all out in the hearse and deciding that they want to try being a thing, the three of them had decided to just ditch the rest of school and head to Merton's house and just chill in Merton's room. None of them want to deal with the rest of the school day, and Tommy isn't entirely sure he can go back there right now without hunting Tim and Travis down and going all wolf on them.

Though he still very much wants to go all wolf on them in order to stop them from terrorising Merton, but now isn't quite the time. They've got to talk about how they're going to go about it first... and convince Merton to let him do it.

Then again, even if Merton is adamant on not wanting him to do anything, Tommy probably will still do it anyway. No one gets away with hurting Merton.

Merton shifts slightly from his spot between Tommy and Lori. He knows exactly what Tommy is referring to, but he still doesn't like the idea of Tommy and Lori getting involved. He'd much prefer it if they just stay out of it. Tim and Travis will get bored eventually, and go after some other poor kid. Merton is happy to put up with the torment until then.

But honestly, Merton feels that it'd be much better if Tim and Travis picked on him instead of some other kid that doesn't deserve it. Not that he himself deserves any of it, but it just works out better if he gets it instead of some other poor kid.

"I don't want either of you to get involved." Merton says. "TnT will get bored eventually, and move onto someone else."

"Do you really believe that, Merton?" Lori asks. "At this point I think the only way they'll grow bored of tormenting you is when something really bad has happened to you."

She hates to think it, but she feels as though the only way Tim and Travis will stop is when they've hurt Merton really bad... or worse. And the more she thinks about that possibility, the more she wants to go and take care of the problem herself. But she knows Tommy won't let her do anything by herself. But it sure would be pretty satisfying giving Tim and Travis what they deserve.

"Merton. Lori is right. TnT won't stop unless we do something about it... or you end up six feet under because of them." Tommy says. He doesn't like that fact. In fact it pisses him off that that'll be the most likely case. "TnT have been picking on you since elementary. They're not likely to stop anytime soon."

Sighing, Merton knows that they're probably right. As much as he'd like to believe that Tim and Travis will get bored of him eventually and move onto someone else, it just doesn't seem very likely that they will without some interference. After all, he's their favorite person to torment, and has always been since elementary. Hell, he's one of the only seniors that still gets shoved into lockers.

"Come on, Merton." Lori says. "You can't deny that it'll be pretty satisfying to see Tommy go all wolfy on TnT, and for them to get exactly what they deserve."

"Well, of course it would." Merton says, knowing very well that Lori is right. It would be pretty satisfying to watch Tommy go all wolf on Tim and Travis, and to see them get what they deserve. "But think about the after effect. Once Tim and Travis find out you're the Pleasantville werewolf, what do you think they'll do about it?"

While it would be satisfying to watch, Merton doesn't want Tommy and Lori to do anything. He doesn't know exactly what they'd plan on doing to Tim and Travis, but if it involves Tommy wolfing out like he thinks it would, it very likely won't end well for Tommy. Not after Tim and Travis discover that Tommy is the werewolf that's been messing with them for months.

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