Chapter 8

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Last chapter!!

Actually, there was supposed to be another chapter after this one (actually, two more, but I've just written the contents of what was going to be chapter 9 into this one), but fuck it, I'm ending this fic here. It's been sitting unfinished for too long, and this is a decent ending point. Although, maybe I'll get back to this fic at some point and write that final chapter, but this is it for now.


~ Candy


"You're still going to go through with this?" Lori asks, as she and Tommy walk through the school halls towards their lockers.

While she still very much wants to give Tim and Travis what they deserve, Merton did make some very fair points last night as to why he doesn't want Tommy to go all wolf on them. He's afraid of what will happen to Tommy if Tim and Travis say anything about him being the Pleasantville werewolf.

"I can't just let them get away with this." Tommy says. "I know Merton had some fair concerns about what could happen afterwards, but I'm not going to let TnT get away with this any longer."

Lori nods, understanding exactly what Tommy is saying. They can't just keep letting Tim and Travis get away with this. They need to do something... anything to make them stop.

Of course, she can't ignore Merton's worry about what might happen as a result of it, but she also can't just turn a blind eye to everything else. She refuses to let one of her boys continue to be terrorized like this any longer.

"You still with me on this?" Tommy asks, turning to face her.

Sighing, she nods. Of course she's still with him on this. "Of course."

Tommy nods. "Good."

He looks around, expecting to find Merton popping out of nowhere next to them, but so far they haven't seen any signs of him. Maybe Merton isn't going to show up at school today, or he's running late. He's thinking the latter, as it's not like Merton to skip school... most of the time anyway.

"So how are we going to go about this?" Lori asks. "I hope you've got some plan of how you're going to stop TnT."

She hopes that he's going into this with some sort of plan instead of going in blind. They need to have at least some idea of what they're going to do. Hopefully something that doesn't involve Tommy wolfing out unless absolutely necessary.

Because if he wolfs out on Tim and Travis, there's no knowing what they'll do....

Tommy doesn't give her a reply to that. Instead, he looks around the hall, seemingly looking for something or someone. And Lori knows exactly who he's looking for....

He's looking for Merton.

But, there doesn't seem to be any sign of him. Or any sign of Tim and Travis for that matter.... Which may not be a good thing.

And it definitely ends up not being a good thing, as Tommy suddenly runs off towards the field outside....

Lori has trouble keeping up with him, considering she doesn't have Tommy's werewolf speed. But she gets outside just in time, to find Tommy standing outside the doors sniffing the air. But there's no Merton in sight near the building. And there's no Tim or Travis....

Until Tommy lets out a low growl, looking far off towards the other end of the field.

Lori follows his gaze. She doesn't see anything at first, but then... then she only just spots three figures off in the distance. One a lot smaller than the others.

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