Alana Darwin

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Benjamin Darwin, Father, Deceased
Elizabeth Darwin, Mother, Deceased

DOB: October 1, 1989

Retro Cognition

Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves

Love interest:
Diego Hargreeves

People that she dislikes:
Luther Hargreeves

Personality: Alana is a kind and caring woman but if you mess with the people she loves, you would see a whole new side of her. She would be mean and cruel. She would be ruthless. She is sassy and sarcastic but that's what makes her so lovable.

About: Alana was one of the 43 to be born on the first of October in the year 1989. Her mother died while giving birth. Her father, Dr. Benjamin Darwin, used her to complete things that henchmen with guns wouldn't be able to do. She became an assassin for her father.

He couldn't stand seeing her because she reminded him of her mother and couldn't unsee her.

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