Chapter 5

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"Find them" Dr

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"Find them" Dr. Crane yelled, Kiera and Rachel were hiding in a place no one would expect to fine them, they decided that they would stick together and Kiera didn't mind Rachel, in fact, saving her ass has become a highlight in Kiera's day, hiding from Crane wasn't really a highlight
"Found them" A guy said as he dragged them towards Crane and made them sit on their knees
"You thought that you could hide from me" Dr. Crane said
"No, I didn't, I thought that by the time you found us that you wouldn't be an evil psychopath slash Psychologist" Kiera said, you could see his icy blue eyes through the holes in the burlap mask
"I told you that your mouth could get you into trouble" Dr. Crane said
"Alright, since I know that you're gonna kill us, may I ask that you let Rachel go, she didn't do anything wrong" Kiera asked and Crane bent down to her level
"No" Dr. Crane said before he sprayed the toxin in Kiera's face and then Rachel's and put Rachel on the table, after her coughing fit was over she sat up and looked at Crane
"You bastard, I'm gonna kill you" Kiera said
"And how are you going to do that" Dr. Crane asked before continuing "You are surrounded by some of the strongest men in Arkham including myself and you're not strong enough to fight anything but yourself"
"Crane, I've been fighting everyone my whole life, you do not know who you are dealing with" Kiera said
"But I do, I really do" Dr. Crane said as he stood up and motioned for them to pick her up
"Crane, this may be a lost cause but you became the very thing that you were meant to treat and you can stop it, the only person stopping you is you, you once said that the only thing to fear is fear it's self but you fear yourself and it's controlling you" Kiera said
"Kill her" Crane said
"I warned you" Kiera said as they heard a ruffle above them
"He's here" one of the guys said and Dr. Crane took his mask off
"The Batman" Crane said and Kiera stomped on the guys foot and did a flip and wrapped her legs around his neck before knocking him out and then running to the next guy, kicking his legs out from underneath him, she noticed Batman and thought that maybe she should go the hero way
"How 'bout a taste of your own medicine, Crane" Kiera said as she had his hair in her hands, holding him in place as she sprayed the toxin in his face
"Let him go" Batman said
"You don't understand, this guy was willing to kill a thousand people because he likes fear and my friend, Rachel, he needs to die for this" Kiera said
"As far as I'm aware, you don't need more blood on your hands" Batman said
"Fine, but take in mind, he's a stubborn and rude piece of shit" Kiera said as she dropped him pathetically and kicked him
"Check on, Ms. Dawes" Batman said and she walked over to Rachel
"She's breathing but that asshole's toxin is slowly killing her not to mention that it's in the water main" Kiera said, he yelled at Crane like three times
"I'm sorry, Dr. Crane isn't in right now, would you like to make an appointment" Crane said as Selina ran up in her suit
"Kiera, Get in the suit" Selina said as Pamela and Harley caught up to her and Kiera took the suit went behind a wall and changed and came back out
"Bats, give this to Rachel" Kiera said throwing a piece of paper to him
"Why were you hanging around with Bats, a prosecutor and Crane" Selina asked
"Crane brought us down here to show us the 'medicine' and almost killed us" Kiera said as they walked up the stairs, Kiera turned toward the back but Selina and the others started to go towards the front
"Where are you going" Selina asked
"As soon as you open that door, fifty cops along with SWAT are going pump over two hundred bullets in each of you" Kiera said
"Let's go with Kiera" Harley said

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