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taehyung yanked the front door open, catching himself at the last second before he ripped the whole thing off its hinges. he closed it more gently, toeing off his shoes and nearly tripping in his haste as she shoved his face mask into his pocket. thinking that jeongguk and jimin were still the only two at the dorms, he shouted, "holy shit, i have a boyfriend!"

i have a boyfriend. that sounded so very nice and made him feel warm and cuddly inside.

taehyung heard sounds from the living room and he hurried towards it, a bounce in his step and a broad smile on his face.

once he got there, though, his smile dropped immediately. all six boys sat there, staring at him with big, shocked eyes. the tv played iron man 3.

ah. it was movie night.


"um," said taehyung eloquently. "surprise?"

then, all at once, everyone started talking.

"you've got a boyfriend?"; "i knew you'd do good!"; how'd it go, did he like the matching outfits?"; "you like guys?"

namjoon was the first to shake himself out of his shock and he cleared his throat. "what's his name, taehyung?"

"i, um, it's... yn-hyung," he said, mumbling your name.

"what was that? speak up, taehyung," yoongi said, but he was smirking, and taehyung gave him a dirty look.

"answer hyung's question," jimin said gleefully.

"it's yn-hyung!" he practically shouted, his cheeks burning and a flush creeping up his neck. "it's yn-hyung, okay? i asked him out on a date and he humoured me."

they looked at each other, sharing doubtful glances. namjoon spoke up first. "if he's your boyfriend now, i don't think he simply humoured you." the rest of them nodded along.

"hold—hold up," hoseok interrupted cluelessly, raising both of his hands, "am i the only one who has no idea what's going on?"

"some of you kinda just found out because i was sloppy at hiding it," taehyung supplied helpfully with a sheepish smile, "coming out in little groups made me feel better, though."

"then why don't you sit down, taehyung, and tell us what we've missed?" namjoon suggested, dimpling with a gentle gaze and gesturing between jimin and hoseok on the couch.

they moved aside and patted the space they made, looking up at him with warm smiles. taehyung took a seat and everyone in the room leant in as if a unanimous agreement had been made earlier. he chuckled awkwardly. "y-you're really interested?"

they all looked at him as if feeling otherwise was preposterous.

"start at the beginning," namjoon said kindly when he noticed taehyung visibly struggling with his words.

"ah, okay." he paused. "well, given the fact that i thought i was totally straight when i met him, when i started feeling differently, i thought i just wanted to be more like him. then i realised what it might've actually been and it was a rollercoaster from there."

taehyung played with his hands, warming them by tucking them under the coat. he explained himself, sometimes getting a reassuring pat on the back or a hand on his knee, and he told them everything he should've told them before. some of the looks they gave him made him realise that a lot of his choices were logically flawed, driven by panic. he knew at this point in time that if he'd confessed he was feeling shitty, they'd more than willingly help, but, well, nobody was perfect.

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