Chapter 1

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A gorgeous town within the Kingdom of Norad and home to one of the Native dragons. It's a bustling world of intermingling cultures; humans, dwarfs, and elves all lived peacefully surrounded by the natural beauty of the surrounding plains. "Wow... when you offered up the idea for a new festival, I knew that it would be a hit but... I didn't know that it would be this much of one!" said a blonde man with rimmed glasses. He looked around the town square (which was beautiful in its own right) full to the brim with flowers. Their scents and stray petals floating about in the wind giving the town a magical look to it.

"I know, Arthur! I mean just look at it!" replied the Prince's twin-tailed companion. Her arms were spread wide as she gestured to the surrounding area in excitement. "I didn't think that we would be able to finish preparations in time but the whole town took to the flower festival idea with so much enthusiasm... we might as well hold it today!"

A soft smile spread across Arthur's face. "You say that now but if we actually did then you more than likely wouldn't be able to enjoy it. You would be running around trying to finish everything by yourself last minute. With the Sechs Empire beaten and Ventuswill back, you of all people, Frey, deserve to take a break. Don't bite off more than you can chew."

Despite the fact his words were said with good intentions, the mint-haired woman knew when Arthur was issuing a subtle threat. She had helped him run Selphia in his place for a few years now and he was always ready to be the voice of reason when she tried to take on to much at once. Now if only she could do the same with him. So far the only way she had managed to accomplish this was with something cute. "Yeah, yeah... don't worry. I won't do any more than donate more of my own flowers to the cause and maybe jump on to help someone else for a small bit."

Satisfied, Arthur started a slow walk around the square. He browsed the vast array of bouquets and even stopped to sniff a couple. "That's good to hear." He said, "What is left for the preparations anyway?"

"Uh..." Frey dug into her pockets and pulled out a piece of paper with several things listed on it. "Well, Volkanon is finishing up the bouquets for the square with the help of Clorica and Vishnal. Meg has decided on the music she wants to play to help everyone have a calming atmosphere for when the festival begins. Lin Fa has enlisted several flower vendors to come and a lot of them have shown up today to start preparing their stalls for tomorrow. Porcoline is making some food..." She trailed off and when she raised her eyes from the document she shared a knowing look with the Prince. "Luckily, Dylas said he would help keep Porcoline from eating everything..."

"That just leaves Illuminata to finish her floral stage display at Dragon Lake and some fun handmade souvenirs for tourists that Blossom is making with the help of Doug and Xiao Pia." She said, as she read over her notes. "Oh! Amber is helping Illuminata out of course. With her wings, she's able to set those flowers up rather high."

"I bet Amber is having the time of her life right now. She gets to enjoy this warm sunny day and play with flowers." Arthur paused and turned fully to his friend. "What about the other townsfolk? Also... we may want to check on Illuminata. Even with Amber helping, setting up a floral display for a stage is not an easy task. She may need some added assistance."

The mint-haired princess smiled. "All of the other townsfolk have been jumping on the projects I already listed or just helping out in general. Everyone is just as busy as the bees wandering from one flower to another." Frey replied as she took the lead as the pair made their way towards Carnation Flowers. "But you are probably right. I doubt Illuminata would deny a pair of idle hands."

As they rounded down the steps, a tall elven woman stood outside putting together an elaborate display of flowers while humming an upbeat tune to herself. Her long red braid flitting along behind her as she worked. "Come to see an artist finish up a true masterpiece?" She said as she emitted a confident laugh when the two humans got closer. "Well, Illuminata, the greatest detective, will not disappoint!" The elf exclaimed as she gestured dramatically to her work. "What do you think Frey? Arthur?"

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