Chapter 2

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"Illuminata, are you sure that this is all necessary?" Frey asked while she surveyed the scene before her.

The elven woman nodded her head sagely as she replied. "Of course, Watson! It's only natural to imprison the key suspect in a murder case!"

"I have to agree with Frey. This seems like a bit much. I can't believe that we are even doing this." Doug said but was overpowered by Leon sighing sadly.

"To think that I can still hear the departed whispers of our dear Doug..." the fox-man said with his face downtrodden but the way his tail was wagging behind him told otherwise.

Since being dragged into the flower shop, the interior had been pushed around a bit to make a makeshift prison. Leon currently sat in an overly large crate with the word "jail" poorly drawn on it in crayon. Some jail bars were also added on the sides to complete the look. Amber and Doug sat off to the side of this cell with Illuminata pacing confidently in front of her "suspect". Arthur stood next to Frey and both were watching their friends as this makeshift interrogation unfolded. Leon... Leon was having the time of his life. It's been a while since Frey had seen him this entertained by something and he was the one sitting in the box. His ears were perked up. His eyes were dancing with a mischievous light. Nothing was going to stop him from enjoying this ridiculous moment to the fullest.

Illuminata stopped her gait and pointed at Leon. "Where you exactly thirty minutes ago?" Leon's smirk grew and, as he started to speak, Illuminata cut him off. "Who were you with? Why? Why did you do it? Our precious Amber was just an innocent bean!"

Leon waited patiently with his fan in front of his face until the elf finished the slew of questions. "Thirty minutes ago, I was on my way to the square to see if my darling, Frey, needed me to help with any other preparations for the festival. I passed Porcoline and Dylas on my way here and my my... you just jumped straight to accusations. Why, exactly, do you think I did it?"

"AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!" Illuminata yelled out victoriously. "A confession!"

"Whoa whoa, what?" Frey said. "How was that a confession?"

"He just said 'I did it'!"

"Yeah, but in a question asking you for proof of your accusation of the murders," said Arthur, who seemed like he had given up on his attempts on trying to make the situation normal again. All festival planning and preparation would have to go on hold until this "case" was solved. "Not as an admission of guilt."

"We WEREN'T murdered!" Doug practically screamed.

Amber slumped all the way to the floor. "Now my only friends will be Pico and Dolce..."

Illuminata continued on as if they weren't even in the room. "But I do have proof! Exhibit A!" she gestured at Leon's tail and ears. "He is part fox!"

"Pretty sure that's just a lasting effect from being a guardian... I mean Dylas has a tail too." Frey replied skeptically. "Amber has her fairy wings..."

"Also foxes aren't really known to be murderers in folklore. More like swindlers, pranksters, or petty thievery. Just because he has fox ears and a tail doesn't mean that he murdered Doug and Amber." Arthur concurred. "It's rather rude of you to assume such a thing just on appearance alone."

Several holes were made against the evidence and thus exhibit A was debunked. However, this did not deter Illuminata. In fact, Frey and Arthur's excellent sleuthing seemed to have fired her up even more. "You are right. That was not the best evidence to present. Sorry about that." Illuminata stated while looking slightly chastised from that accusation. Though Leon didn't look too bothered by her words. If anything he looked even more amused than before. "There is more, I assure you! Exhibit B!"

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