Chapter 2

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Carter's POV

I'm sorry. I know you'll never understand why I did this, and it's not your fault. Mom, I love you. Chloe, please don't blame yourself. You're the only thing that helped me, but I was too far gone to save. Joey, I need you to stay strong for me. I love you. Dad... You know what you did. But I've decided to forgive you.
Again, I'm sorry. I love all of you.

My hand was shaking as the pen glided across the paper scraps. I never thought it would come to this, but then again I prayed for it every day. I am done. I'm tired of trying. My life has been hell I figured, I might as well go to the real thing.

My only friend was Chloe. She was everything I could ask for. I'm just sorry that I couldn't be what she wanted.

I wrapped and tied the rope around the raptor on my ceiling, then around my neck. I kicked the chair out from underneath me and began to struggle. I couldn't breath and it started to scare me. I tried to convince myself that this is what I really wanted, but then I regretted it. A single tear fell off my cheek. I heard a noise behind me as arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up. By now I was crying so hard that I didn't care who it was, or why they did what the did. The boy turn me around and hugged me tight.
"It's ok. It's ok, I got you." He began to repeat.
I just cried into his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.
"Thank you." I eventually whipmper. I was so scared and confused that it was hard to speak. He saved my life. He gave me a second chance.

We stood in silence for a long while as I cried and cried. My face in my hands, he was still hugging me.
"C'mon." he said.
"What?" I whimpered.
"Let's go. I'm getting you out of here."
"But-" I started, but had nothing left to say.

"Ooo..."said one of the boys outside my house.
"And who the hell is this?" Questioned the other one.
"Shut up, man." said the boy who saved me. He lead me to the passenger seat of the car, then proceeded to get in on the drivers side.
"What the hell, man?" I heard the two boys arguing and yelling outside of the car. All he did was drive away.
"Ignore them." he said bluntly.
"What's your name?" I whispered.
"Elliot." he said looking at me as I scrunched myself further into the seat. "And you?"
"Carter." I quietly responded, yet again followed by silence. "Look, I know you're probably wondering why-"
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, you know." he interrupted. He drove for a while then it occurred to me that I had no idea who this guy was.
"Where are you taking me." I almost yelled, the anger built up inside me.
"I'm not. Just thought you'd figure out where you want to go." He stated, taken back by my tone.
"Can we go somewhere quiet. I don't exactly want to be social at the moment." My voice lowered as I settled back down into the seat.
"Yeah of course." He sighed. We pulled into a quiet neighborhood, and turned into a driveway. I looked down at my hands intertwined with each other. I picked at the skin around my fingernails until blood started to seep out from underneath the new wound.
"Hey." he smiled, grabbing my hand.
"Sorry I just... yeah" I smiled in return.
"There it is." he grinned ear to ear.
"What?" I inquired, smiling bigger, as well.
"Your smile. It's beautiful by the way."
I could feel my face reddening as the words escaped his lips. I couldn't believe any of this had happened. Today was like any other friday. I reluctantly walked to school and blended in as smoothly as possibly to the crowd of extremely ordinary people looking to do the same; blend. Then I came home. Cried. And did everything to convince myself that I had nothing left to live for and everything to die for, and not in the good sence. I never had the guts to do it before. I always had everybody else in my mind. But I realized that the people that cared would understand. But the ones who deserved to suffer, would blame themselves. And rightfully so. I found myself lost in thought, and he found me, in my worst moment. I didn't know what to say, so I waited for him to break the silence. Until then we soaked in it, awkwardly. We sat in his car, in front of this house, in silence.

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