Chapter 3

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Elliot's POV

We Sat in silence in front of the Hob. The "Hob" is just some abandoned house that the boys and I turned into our hangout space. It's actually a lot nicer than it used to be since we took over. It was going to be demolished so Ryder got his parents to buy it from the bank.

I looked into her eyes and couldn't help but pity her. She looked so sad and scared. I wanted to comfort her but I didn't know how. I didn't know her. At all.
"What were you doing at my house?" She questioned, breaking the silence.
"Oh uh... That, right. Well, those two guys that were outside, well we were going to steal something." the expression on her face got more scared and slightly offended. "It's not like we targeted you or anything, it's just you're house was on a corner and looked nicer so..." my voice trailed off and I eventually looked her in the eye. "Sorry"
She continued to look down and twiddle her thumbs, her face plastered with a blank expression that for some reason intimidated me. Something about her really confused me. What had happened to her to bring her to this decision? I just wanted to understand and to help her. I felt horrible for her cuz I had been in similar situations before. I was done. Tired of having to deal with life and everyone in it. So I decided to end mine. And I got pretty close to succeeding. Once, I got hammered drunk then decided to go for a ride on my motorcycle in the middle of the night, and turn off the headlights. Smart, I know. I just wanted to make it easier on myself really. A quicker death means less time to regret it. Some random, middle-aged couple found me laying on the pavement like road-kill, my face and chest scraped beyond recognition. My mother cried as my dad stood out in the hall and complained about the smell of the hospital and how "this was cutting into his hours at work." Needless to say my father isn't even a father anymore. He's just a soulless being that walks around like a robot. I never understood why my father was the one who came out of this the worst. He's the one that cheeted. He knew what he was doing and that it was wrong and that it would crush my mother in the process, yet he still did it regardless to how it would effect his family. Many suggest he's remorseful, but knowing my dad... no. There was another time before that but-

My train of thought came to a halting stop when Carter randomly got out of the car and walked toward the curb. I followed her with caution, afraid of what she might do next. I sat down beside her on the uncomfortable edge of concrete above the road. She rested her elbows on her knees and grabbed her head, her fingertips resting in her dark brown hair. "I'm a mess." she managed through her cracking voice. I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. After a long deafening silence, I decided to get to know her, try to cheer her up.
"Can I ask you something?" I inquired.
"You just did," she answered bluntly.
"Right. Well... tell me something about yourself." I awkwardly spewed, cringing at myself.
"Well, I'm 17, I play guitar. Uh, I hate people, and I only have one friend because people also hate me."
"I don't hate you," I said trying to cheer her up.
"You've only just met me..." she proposed. "You will. Eventually." The look on her face dragged at her skin as if weighing her down. And her eyes were blood-shot red from crying. I'd never seen anyone look so sad and I hated it. I just wanted to understand. "If you want, we can talk about it. If not we don't have to. O-only if you want." I stammered.
"Well if you're wondering why, my dad molested me from the time I was 7 until I was about 13 or 14. I never told anyone important that. Now only you and my best friend Chloe know. I couldn't tell anyone because my dad was my moms rock. Everything she needed to keep her sane through hurricane me. And so I developed anxiety disorder. Well I had always sort of had it it just really kicked in after that. And then I had an anxiety attack at school and the bullying started. And then all that led me to where you found me." Her words faded, but never showed any sign of breaking. She seemed numb to it all now, but what was going on in her head, that I'd never know.

Hey! I've never really done an authors note before but thanks so much for reading! And sorry about the short chapters I'll try my best to make them longer from now on. And please, tell me what you think, I'm open for suggestions (but that doesn't mean I'll 100% take them). But yeah, thanks for reading and vote and comment, it means so much to me.
Thanks love!

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