𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 3 - The Generous One

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Before going home the three decided to stop in a convenience store to buy drinks and snacks for Jennie's welcome party. Jennie is now picking some chips when she unexpectedly saw the ice cream section in the corner of the store.

"Oh my gosh this is my favorite." Jennie's eyes glitters when she saw her favorite milk ice cream.

"Do you like that?" Lisa suddenly popped on her side and asked her. She shrugged her shockingness and nodded to the taller girl.

"Let's get three tubs." Lisa said.

"Three? That's too much Lisa..." Jennie said curiously.

"That's fine. Two tubs are for the party tonight while you can eat the other one tomorrow or the other day or whenever you like it." Lisa explained.

"Lisa uhm...maybe we can just get two for the party. The truth is I'm saving my money." Jennie said shyly.

"Who says you're going to pay for all of these? Don't worry about it Jennie just pick whatever you like. It's my treat." Lisa said and gets the three tubs of milk ice cream in the freezer.

"I can't let you do that. It's my welcome party." Jennie said but Lisa ignored her while getting beers now on the fridge. Jisoo on the other hand suddenly went to her side with a bunch of snacks on her hands.

"Don't worry Jendeukie let Lisa spoiled us. That best friend of mine is the most generous person I know." Jisoo whispered on her cousin.

"But she already treats us in the restaurant Sooyah." Jennie said anxiously.

"Stop nagging Jendeukie you'll get use to her. C'mon let's go to the counter." Jisoo said while following Lisa towards the counter.

"Hi Lisa! Hi Jisoo! Welcome back. How's the summer vacation?" The cashier said.

"Same old shit." Lisa said.

"Language Lisayah." Jisoo sternly said and nudged Lisa's shoulder but the latter just pout at her.

"The two of you haven't changed." The cashier chuckled then she noticed Jennie who is just observing them. "Who is this pretty lady with the two of you?" The cashier said and asked the two. Jisoo is about answering but Jennie suddenly went to her cousin's side to nudge her. She thought that her cousin will make fun of her again by telling that she's Lisa's girlfriend, so she introduces herself instead.

"I'm Jennie Kim. Jisoo's cousin." She politely said.

"I'm Solar." The cashier shows her name badge and smiles at her. "This two dorks are regulars here and by these drinks and snacks that they bought for sure they are having a party again. Am I right?" Solar said and chuckled.

"You're right." Lisa said and scratched her neck.

"We're having Jennie's welcome party in our place." Jisoo said. "You can come, if you want to."

"Sorry I can't make it becos of my shift today, but it's very nice to meet you Jennie. Kim's genes are undeniably stunning." Solar said and smiles to the feline girl.

"Thank you it's nice to meet you as well, Solar." Jennie said and give her gummy smile. Lisa kept her gaze at Jennie that she didn't notice that the cashier is now calling her.

"Lisa - Hey Lisa!" The cashier called. Lisa suddenly looks away from the feline girl.

"Oh I'm so sorry here's my card." Lisa said and pay to the cashier.

"Do I have something on my face Sooyah?" Jennie asked her cousin when they are now walking outside of the store. She noticed that Lisa is gazing at her a while ago.

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