Chapter 14:You Cant Teach a Dog How To Guard

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I looked around as we aproach the island. We stopped under the short cliff where I first fell. "Thank you so much! Also tell my Dad I love him!" I said before they disappeared. "Now time to get my boyfriend back". I jumped down the water and swam to the coast. It was still night time so everyone is sleeping, except for the guards(That are dogs). I sneaked past a couple and hid behind a tree. "Shoot! How am I gonna find the prison if I dont have a map..." I whispered. I heard footsteps coming towards me. 'Oh no. I need a distraction'. I took a pebble and threw it deep in the woods. It made a loud thud that alarmed the guards. All of them ran to investigate as I sneaked behind them.

As I walked to who knows where, I saw a path. I quickly followed it and got to the prison. It was Dark, Dreary, Creepy but its ultra protected. A wall surrounded by barb wire with an electric gate blocked my way. Inside was a tall building with bars wrapped in barb wire and four guards armored with barb wire with spears covered in barb wire. There was also a crocodile pit with crocs that are wrapped in barb wire and a watch tower at the top all covered in barb wire. "This prison sure knows its barb wires." I said sarcasticly. "Now for my plan..." I walked in circles for a couple of minutes and.... Bingo! I took a stick. A large stick. And waved it around which caught the guards attention. "Who's a good guard dog? Who's the best guard dog?" I said waving the stick in the air then threw it in the woods. They tried to chase it but forgot to open the electric barb wire gate. After getting electrified one of them collapsed on the lever which opened the gate. "Neat!" I said and walked in the prison.

"Now the crocs..." I said as I get closer then realized the pit was so narrow I could just jump over it. But before I do it, I threw a pebble and saw a croc jump and snatched the it. I rubbed my chin and saw a bag in the corner. I opened it and saw a lunch box. I threw the food to the other side of the pit and saw the crocs get out. I jumped over the narrow pit and proceeded. I opened the prison door and went in. I looked at a map and saw Sans's name in one of the rooms. I walked down the stairs then through a hallway, passed through the Mess Hall and got to his cell. I looked inside and saw Sans sitting on his bed looking at the barb wired window bars. "Sans!" I whispered which caught his attention. When he turned around his gloomy face turned into a joyful one. "(Y/N)! How did you get here!?" He asked and hugged each other through the bars. "Long story short, I'm busting you out!" I said and looked around for a key. I saw a guard dog snoozing on a chair. He was holding the key. There are no sticks around so I needed a plan 'B'.

I looked inside some cells and saw a bird monster sleeping. There were feathers everywhere. I took one and tried to tickle the dogs hand. It worked, I swiped the key and opened Sans's cell. "Now teleport us outta here!" I said and held his hand. We teleported back to the ship and sailed back to the island. When we got there we went down the ship and saw Papyrus chasing a dog that took his arm. "GET BACK HEREEEE! OH, WELCOME BACK! WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?" He asked. We told him what happened and I also told Sans how I got there. "And thats about it!" I sighed and looked at the rising sun. "All of this adventure is tiring. Im gonna get some shut eye" I yawned and went in the ship.

You, Me, and the Sea (Oceantale Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now