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   I slid the glasses up my nose, relishing in the feel of the nose pieces agains my skin. These glasses, these glorious, sight giving objects, they were my savior. Until now, everything had been blurry. Blurry faces, blurry scenes, blurry things that passed me by in a rush, not bothering to issue an apology when they bumped  into me on the small Devildom sidewalks.
   "How are they?" A smooth, magnetic voice pulled me out of my thoughts of sight and strangers, clearing my head instantly. And so, with slight reluctance, I opened my eyes to the world below mine, that place I once called Hell.
  I was dizzy at first, the world falling into place around me as I glanced around the small shop I was sitting in. In front of me, a demon, his copper eyes shimmering as he moved to adjust what was needed.
   "Amazing." I sighed, my breath cold as it escaped my lips. Amazing. After all, I could see again, nothing blocking my view, nothing to get  in the way of me enjoying the beautiful night sky, and the faces of the men around me as I lounged at the House of Lamentation.
When the optometrist finished with the final touches on my frames, I placed them back on and turned to my right, towards the seat where that silky smooth demon was sitting.
Mammon, his silver hair glinting under the fluorescent lighting, tan skin shadowed even further, making him the color of beautiful Arabian sand against gold.
Yet, something else seemed to catch my eyes. Another glint, this time orange, orange like his beloved sunglasses, contrasting with the blue of his crystalline irises.
"Mammon..." my breath came out in one whisper, the air in my lungs escaping from me as fast as it could.
I could see him now, see what it was that had caught my attention.
"You- you wear earrings?" The second eldest demon blushed, his ears going pink around those entrancing specks of tangerine.
"Oi, so what if I do? Why does it matter?"
I remained silent, just looking at the being in front of me. He was gorgeous, something straight out of a dream, a man that no one could have thought to concoct. He was perfectly toned, with those straight, white teeth, and that blush, oh his flustered blush-
"Do-do ya not like them?"
Of course. Of course that was what he was worrying about, my opinion on the small studs in his ears.
"I love them." Mammon stood at my words, his eyes on me all the while. With that we began to leave the optometrist, having pie in advance using Lucifer's money.
"Not like it matters what ya think, though. I'm still gonna wear them." His voice, the thing I had used to help identify him over the past few weeks, hang heavily in my ears, echoing throughout my mind. The voice and the face, they go together so well, a match made in heaven.
Of maybe, a match made in hell, designed to inspire the sin threatening to spill forth, from me and through my actions.
"We should split a pair, then!" I blurted aloud, so quickly I was afraid Mammon didn't hear me.
"What? Like, buy some? Cause we used all of that jerk Lucifer's money ya know." Still willing to insult the benefactor, I see.
"No, I mean I have pairs back at the house that we can split. Very nice, it'd be like a way or saying we're in a pact." My excuse, something so feeble and weak, so much so I could hardly stand it. What I really wanted, was for people to know he was mine, and I was his. I wanted to parade around, in blissful togetherness, as a couple.
"Like, a way of saying I'm your first man?"
He saw through it, though it don't know how- could it be his own thoughts, simply mirroring mine? Or could he see it in my gaze, shimmering in my eyes.
I hesitated for quite a while, unsure of how to respond.
"Yes, Mammon. A way of saying you're mine."

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