Gems (pt 3)

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"Yes."  Ah, more embarrassment. My cheeks began to burn once more, the tingling sensation spreading across my face in an unpleasant manner. Burn, burn, burn, baby, they seemed to say. Burn with the fires of unbridled passion, go get your man!

Oh my god, I'm starting to sound like Asmo. 

Yet, so is Mammon. Those words spoken prior to mine, his words, were quite... how shall I say it, spicy? They set me alive, my nerves burning across my body, molten fire and electricity seeping up from my stomach. Those feelings, oh so strong, seemed to draw me towards him even more.

"Well then, ya better hurry up!" Mammon's strides grew longer, his pace quickening as he began to jog. Soon enough, that jog turned into a run, his boots clicking on the cobblestones of the street, their fabric making a fwip, fwip, fwip, noise as they brushed against eachother. 

"Hey!" I was running now as well, my bag bouncing against my hip as my knees came up and down. He wasn't too far ahead of me, his grinning face sweet in the fading light of the Devildom sky, something rosy and glimmering. 

And in such a light, Mammon's glasses shone a deep orange, the gems in his studs shining ever so gently. 

"COME ON, MC!" He was sprinting now, truly using all his strength to beat me back to the House of Lamentation. 

"Wait!-" And... he's already ahead of me, nearly home, running like a madman across busy streets. How was I supposed to follow him, my sweet, adorable, dumb ass of a demon looking to get hit by something or someone?

The key was probably not caring.

And so, with much gusto, my pace quickened into a sprint, my actions copying Mammon's as I caught up to him. 

By the time I was almost near enough to reach out and touch his arm, Mammon was at the door of our home, slipping inside as silently as he could, his actions snakelike and sneaky. "You're not fooling anyone!" I yelled in response to the way he moved, a chuckle following my words.

Mammon turned, his expression a look of pure horror, something that screamed at me to be quiet. Oh my god, what is it this time...?

Only a few seconds after, a cream colored hand reached around the door, the other latching onto Mammon's collar, dragging him in like a child might drag their comfort blanket, or a lioness her cubs. 

My face blanched, all of the blood previously filling my cheeks fading slowly, traveling down to my heart, which beat out a frantic, panicked pace. I didn't get to see their nails... I have no idea which brother that was... 

What if it's Lucifer, and Mammon's done something wrong again? Then, I wont get to have my alone time with him, up in my room, where he shows me how cute he thinks I am. 

Slowly, I creep around the door as well, awaiting the scolding I might receive. 

"Look..." I start, bracing myself for the explanation I'll give Lucifer. My eyes are focused on the floor, studying the ornate patterns of the House's tiling. 

"MC, shh." It's Beel's voice, his words whispered yet his tone still as deep as ever. "Lucifer and Levi are both finally sleeping." When I look up, Beel's  brows are creased with concern, showing his care for his brothers. It makes sense, that look; Lucifer stays up all night long doing work for Diavolo, and Levi stays up way too late just being an otaku in his room.

"Thanks, Beel." I reply in a similar hushed tone, and look towards my first man, the one dragged into the house silently by the usually gentle giant, Avatar of Gluttony. Beelzebub only nodded, while, now that we were in a quieter place with a softer atmosphere, the look in Mammon's eyes only grew, something increasingly passionate. Handsome, and just as entrancing as Asmodeus' eyes may have been if they worked on me. 

And with that, Mammon and my steps started to synchronize, us trying our hardest to be silent as we walked towards my room.

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