Chapter 1: "Unknown?"

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"Wow, They did it again" I chuckle looking at the TV.
My dad soon arrived from work and I quick shut if the TV. I was forbidden to watch the News for some reason. But i'm quite curious about the "real world"

"Y/n what were you watching dear?" My father asks me with a concerned yet calming voice. "Well, uh I was watching Animal planet..hehe.." He looks at me
Suspecting my hands fidgeting but doesn't seem to mind.

Father looks at me and smiles "Dinner will be ready soon. Oh and look in my bag, You would want to" he gave me a reassuring smile and i quickly ran towards his bag. "NO WAY!!!" I grab the box and jump up and down. "MY FIRST PHONE OMG!"

Dad gave me a smile and I ran towards him to hug him. "THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOUUUU"
I was wayyyy to excited and tripped on my way up the stairs. I still cant believe dad let me have a phone.

I open the box and my eyes lit up when i saw the color, ItS YeLLoW! The bottom portion of the box could be detached and i see the charger! But beside it, there was a..note?

There was no way dad could have put it there. It was sealed shut. I grab the piece of paper and unfolded it. "Dear Y/n, as you may OR may NOT know that you have abilities..only 43 extraordinary kids have. Although it may seem very stupid or confusing, i'm sure you will get the hang of it.

If your not aware..your powers are sort of unknown for now. You indeed can freeze time. Look at your alarm clock beside you...11:48am am i right :)" I shifted my view and oh my god..11:48am, HOW DID IT KNOW IT WAS SENT HERE AWHILE AGO.

The note was pretty long..but I still wouldn't take it in...the note told me to meet at "GRIDDY'S DONUTS " It also told me that i could unfreeze time by snapping fingers? I did as it said and it was 11:50am "hmm it skipped a few.."

Im only 15 I cant just hop on the streets. Father would get so mad at me.. but I have to know what my "abilities are.."

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