Connected Flight.

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"Yeah mom. I'm about to get on the plane, as much as I wanna keep talking to you."

"Bristol. I'm praying for safe travels to you..." I do that motion with my hand to show she's talking too much. "...and I can't wait to see you in two days!"

"I gotta go mom. Love you!"

"I love you too."

I hang up as quickly as possible.


Disaster averted.

My mother and I haven't really been on the best speaking terms lately. Seems we can't have a conversation without getting in a fight.

Not my fault, just lack of communication recently.

My parents got divorced a few months ago, and my dad got full custody.

I only get to see my mom once a year at Christmas.

Not that I mind. She never really cared about me.

I step through the security checkpoint after placing my purse and shoes in a little box.

"Go ahead." the voice comes from a short man.

"Merry Christmas!" I say, as I put my shoes back on and head toward the plane.

I board with no problems and look at my ticket. Seat 24.

I find my seat and sit down, placing my purse in the overhead pouch.

I wonder what my mom looks like.

How much has she changed in the few months that I've been gone?

I hope not too much, I have a hard time getting used to changes.

A few moments later, I feel something moving beside me and I turn.

My jaw drops.

There, before me, stands the sexiest man alive.

Like not literally, but he's pretty high up!

I would definitely date him.

It takes me a moment to realize my mouth is still open, so I close it and say.

"Hi. I'm Bristol. I guess we're gonna be seat buddies."

He smiles, and sits down.

He places a back pack into the overhead compartment, of course after sliding out a MacBook pro.

"Nice computer." I say, I guess trying to break the ice.

"Oh sorry." he says. "how rude of me. My name's John Dew."

I smile. Okay now he's warming up.

He fires up his laptop, and I'm trying not to stare, but it's too hard not to.

He signs in and there on his wallpaper is a photo of him and some woman. Definitely more attractive than me.

Where I have flat, mud brown hair, she has voluminous blonde waves.

Where I have mild acne, she has the most perfect skin, almost like a skin model.

Where I have a bumpy face, she has light freckles, dotting her cheeks.

Where I have to wear tons of makeup to even look slightly presentable, she's the kind of person that can get by with none at all.

Where I'm kind of a chunky monkey, she's almost anorexic, but can get away, because she has just enough meat on her bones.

I look down on the picture and notice a little girl in the picture as well.

Suddenly I blush.

Did I really think I could compete with that?

Now I'm really embarrassed and I turn to the window.

I plug in my headphones and turn on Adele.

Break-up music. Perfect.

Too bad we were never in a relationship.

Just when I was beginning to actually get excited about this trip, that woman had to ruin it.


*******Hey!! I'm Lelia and this is my first book like this. Has anybody seen that Sears commercial, Connected Flights? Well I thought that made a good plot line, so totes to you, Sears!!!! Anyways, I hope you like it.

If you do, comment, vote and fan me!!!


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