Connected Flight. Chapter 7

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He tasted sweet, probably because it was just a little while ago that he had that hot chocolate. I kissed him back.

Then, the moment was over and we parted.

"There's this saying I love." He says. "Those who wish to sing..."

"Always find a song." I help him finish. He looks shocked for a moment.

"That's my favorite saying." I say.

"Me too." he says quietly. "And I think I've finally found my song."

My heart beat speeds up. I can feel it in my chest. I feel like its about to burst. "I know I just met you a few hours ago, but I feel like I've known you forever." He says. For once, I, Bristol Thompson, am speechless. Cole has taken my breath away, and it's gonna take a lot to get it back. "I'm scared." I say, barely above a whisper.

Suddenly, he looks concerned. "What are you scared of?" I think for a moment. I'm not completely sure. Suddenly it dawns on me. "I'm scared to fall in love with you because I don't know if I'll ever even see you again." I say. "Well I've fallen for you, and I don't think I'll be able to get back up." I feel tears brimming my eyes. He grasps my face gently and kisses me again. When we part, I look down at the watch on his wrist and see that it's midnight.

"I'm exhausted." I say. "Maybe they have a hotel nearby?" he looks at me funny. "We're not gonna have sex!" he says looking offended. "I didn't want to! I just wanted to fall asleep in your arms." I tell him. We leave the airport hand in hand and walk across the parking lot to a hotel. Cole gets us a room and we head down the hallway to it.

"Do they have a pool?" I ask. "If they have a pool, I'll sleep for two hours then go swimming." The look on his face is unreadable. "But it's winter time and it's the middle of the night..." he starts. "So? We'll just wear our clothes and won't stay long."

He doesn't look too thrilled about the idea, but he caves when I give my famous puppy-dog face. "Oh all right. But I'm only staying for a minute." "Oh I'm sure you'll change your mind when we get there." I say with a wink.

We walk outside to a medium sized pool. Opening the gate, we walk over to one of the tables and set our towels down. "Alright, on the count of three we both jump in!" I say. He nods his head. "One.....Two......Three!" I say jumping in. As I hit the water, a cold jolt washes over me. I come up for air and scream. Then I hear laughing behind me. I turn to see Cole, still dry, standing on the edge of the pool. "Oh no. That's not gonna do at all." I say with a smirk. I swim to the edge of the pool and he backs away uncertainly. I lick my lips in. A seductive way. "Want a kiss?" I say. "Heck Naw! I ain't fallin for your tricks!" he responds. I put on my puppy-dog face and stare right into his eyes. I know he won't be able to resist. He slowly walks forward, and crouches down. "Close your eyes!" I say. He closes his eyes and leans in and I pull him into the water!

After the struggle of pulling him in, I go under water, and when I come back up for air, he's gasping for air. "Woah are you okay?" I ask. He stops gasping and smirks. "I knew you would do something like that. That's why I formed a plan." he says rubbing his hands together menacingly. I start to back up, but run into the wall. He walks toward me and puts his arms against the wall around me, trapping me. He leans in and kisses me. I'm about the deepen the kiss when I feel a chill run down my spine!!!!!

***** What do you think Cole did? Tune in next week to find out:)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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