27: Trees really are my friends.

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Waking up never felt so good. I am wrapped in my mate's arms, tangled in between his legs, his heat spreading to me as he pulls me in closer and all this time I was starting to think that it would be impossible. The moon goddess works in mysterious ways and I know I may have had some complaints, but not anymore. Yes world! hit me with everything you can now! I was strong and now I am stronger with my mate beside me! Ha! 

You might jinx yourself you know? 

Shut up, self!

I exhale and stare at the white ceiling feeling the most calm after a long long while. I am nothing but thankful for everything in my life right now. I turn to Vos who already has his eyes on me and couldn't help but smile back as I poke his dimple. Life is good right now and I couldn't help the small bout of anxiety festering in the corner of my heart. Life is never too good, especially for Sapphire and I. We think all is well then boom! we get smacked right at our faces because we're just strong women like that. Life likes to challenge us and we like to prove life wrong. 

Vos' smile fades as he caresses the side of my face gently, his eyes boring into mine gently. I smile softly and plant a light kiss on his hand as I dig deep in me. I don't want to talk about this or even ask him but I would die of curiosity and it will not be healthy to just keep avoiding the topic. 

"What's wrong?" At that moment I know he felt everything I've been trying to ignore.   I he feels it all right now and with all these new emotions welling up inside me, I just can't ignore it anymore. I can't control it the way I could have when I had my wolf. At least then my wolf would have carried a part of the burden and reassure me but right now, I'm alone in dealing with all this shit. 

I sit up, pulling him along with me, not bothering with the blankets. He's seen me in many different positions all through the night until the dawn, being shy now won't make a difference. 

"Oh." I roll my eyes as Vos' eyes immediately drops down to my chest. Admittedly making butterflies erupt from my stomach as my heart flutters. I feel my lower regions clench but before Vos can make a move, I grab the white blanket and glare at him playfully. 

"I am sore and we have to talk." My mate chuckles and nod his head, making sure that his lower um- regions are in full display for everyone- um me, to see. "Vos! put that thing back where it came from!!" I panic as i inch away from him. 

"This literally came from you just hours ago." I immediately feel heat rush to my cheeks at his words and like any normal girl, I grab my pillow and chuck it at his laughing self. 

"Vos!" I frown, the anxiety somehow growing. 

He immediately sobers up and stares at my face. 

"What's wrong, firefly?" I purse my lips at his nickname, ignoring the flutters in my chest. 

"I-um..." I inhale, silently thanking him for not barging in my mind. He could do it so easily but at least he has boundaries now. I clench the sheets tighter  to me and finally look him into his eyes. 

You really don't have to ruin the mood right now. 

Ugh! If i don't say it now, it's gonna disturb me the whole day and the whole day will be ruined! 

You're right. Good luck, self!

Thank you, conscience! 

"Remember when I asked you... I um.. damn it!" Vos' eyebrows shot up as he purses his lips tighter. I know he's trying not to laugh but I'm trying not to cry and scream and hug and jump him. The hell? Where'd all the calm go?

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