22: I think people missed me?

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I smile as I hear Vos' words and yelp when I am suddenly sucked into a weird abyss. I am still in darkness but I feel light and airy and dare I say it— happy but before I could even comprehend what happened a very strong wave of emotions shot within me and suddenly, I'm staring at a high ceiling.

"Red?" Tingles. Tingles. Fuzzies. Butterflies. Mint. I gasp and sit up only to be pushed down gently.

"Hey, not so fast." My eyes widen as I realise what had happened.

"You marked me!" I exclaim turning to Vos whose eyes widen as I adjust myself to a proper sitting position.

"Red, listen to me firefly, I wanted to do this the right way but— why are you looking at me like that?" I blink innocently at Vos As I grab his warm hands and squeeze them in mine.

"Like what?"

"That. Why aren't you screaming? I marked you without your consent, you look—"

"In love?" I supply and cut him off with a smile, shivering at the contact between us.

"I— what?" I smile mischievously at how I've made Vos, one of the strongest Alphas in the Northern  a blubbering idiot. Ha! I now have the power to make someone a blubbering idiot!

Red, there are more important things to think about right now!


"Do I look in love right now? Cause I think I am." I state finally turning to Sapphire who has the biggest grin on her face and my mother who was crying in relief.

With my mouth quivering, I open my arms and brace for my mother's hug as she runs full force on my opposite side and crushes me like I've never been crushed before.

Hug, Red. Mom is hugging you.

Crush, Hug, same difference.

I role my eyes at myself and return my mother's hug, finally feeling complete after a log while.

"I've missed you mommy." I say into her hair as tears gather around my eyes. I feel Vos' hand press into the small of my back providing me the comfort of a mate.

"Me too, Red." And as fast and as emotional that reunion was, my mom immediately pulls away and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"The Princess and I will leave two now. You're okay and that's all I really need." I smile at her. Mom was never the emotional one.

I nod at Sapphire who throws me a small wave and exits with my mother behind her.

"Now where were we?" I ask, turning to Vos who still looks as confused as I left him on our last conversation.

"Red, I'm sorry that I marked you the wrong way. I- I wanted it to be formal and I especially wanted your consent but Sapphire saw the only way out was a mate's mark." He explains slowly, staring into my eyes intensely, desperate for me to understand.

"Did you want to, though?" I ask, just now realising that maybe he got forced into this too.

"No." My heart drops at the thought that he didn't want this mating and was forced because of pressure from everyone and the relationship

"Vos, I- I mean you can reject me..." I trail off my chest hurting at another possible rejection. Can't the moon friggin give me a break?

"Red." He grabs both my shoulders and pulls me on his lap, wrapping both arms around me and buries his face in my hair. "I want this mating but I wanted it with your consent. I wanted to mark you after I've told you everything about me. I have a past Red, a baggage that is hard to accept to some people, and I wanted you to have a choice before you get shackled to me."

I was silent for a long minute before I finally digest his words. "Oh." I breathe out a sigh of relief and lean against him.

"Oh?" He pulls away and stares at me with confusion. "Red, please say something."

"I think..." I blink and pull away too, grabbing his hands once again.

"You think?"

"I think I've fallen for you again." My heart skips a beat as he gives me a heart stopping mega-watt smile.

"Hey, that's my line." He protests and grabs my face with both his hands as smashes his lips to mine and for the first time in my life, I am complete.


Hey! Short chapter huhu so sorry!
I'll do better next chapter!

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