The Pain

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A/N: Before you make any assumptions, this is a completely AU OS and it run parallel to another book of mine called Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki, which is a Mahabharat time travel plot... and this is where Kartik and the OC Kritika are cousins and this deals with Kritika meeting Aman for the first time (albeit a flashback) So I really hope you like it!

(For those who've read the book, this takes place in chapter 4 of my book, just after the Kartik-Kritika show off)

Kritika was lost in thought as she went about the place, randomly picking up sticks when Kartik walked up behind her. "Someone seems lost in their thoughts?" he asked, startling Kritika out of the day dream.

"Kartik! Stop scaring me like that!" she exclaimed as she turned to face him. "Is it Aman?" Kartik asked softly, knowing he relationship shared by Kritika and Aman.

"Something like that... fighting with you today... I missed those silly remarks he used to give me whenever we fought" Kritika recollected with a sad smile.

"Yeah, I miss him too you know... I know it has been 4 years since the fire accident... but it still hurts somewhere deep down... and all I have right now, in this past is this ring he gave me on friendship day, saying that he wanted to be more than my friend" Kartik said sadly as he fingered the simple metal band that Aman had gifted him.

"Remember what happened the first time I met him?" Kritika asked and Kartik outright laughed, remembering that incident very well.

"The one where you kicked him in the balls, assuming that he was stalking you? When in fact he was trying to gain my attention?" Kartik asked.

"I wouldn't have kicked him had I known that he was tour boyfriend! I just thought that he was some random guy trying to bully you!?" Kritika said indignantly.

"You were 12 then Kritu. You wouldn't have understood" Kartik said like he wanted to placate her but all he got was a glare "And you, mister, were just 14 and he was a senior. My assumptions are justifiable" Kritika said, defending herself.

"And the look on tour face when I went upto him and kissed him... it was just priceless!" Kartik said with a laugh, imagining that moment... though he'd gotten a huge round of scolding from her after that... and a lot of apologising had happened.

But after that, they'd become the best of friends and almost were like a brother and sister duo, who loved ganging up on him very often. And with their love for martial arts... Kartik ended up as the punching bag for each and every session. But it was fun. Kritika even resorted to call Aman jiju when he'd proposed to Kartik and when his family actually said yes to their relationship and accepted them... it was a bliss.

But then it happened. The nasty fire accident that took away everything he held close to him just like the floods took away Kritika's near and dear ones. The fire had devoured his family and his boyfriend, leaving him an orphan with no one except their grandmother and Kritika.

And even after 4 years... it was still hard to get over his death... and even harder now after they'd been sent back to the past for they now had nothing that they can claim to be Aman's memorabilia without it sounding suspicious or out of place. All they had were the memories which was both a pain and a curse.

But they are learning to live with it. They are still learning to move on and fight for their destiny was a huge one. Which means they had a huge responsibility to fulfil... and they can achieve anything with their new family... Kartik thought as he saw Nakula running towards them, panting for breath.

"Kartik, maa was calling you. Something about puja and stuff" he said. "I'm coming duckling" Kartik replied as he helped Kritika onto her feet, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Yes, they will miss Aman for their whole life. But they will also live for their new family in this new place.

A/N: Oook, this was an abrupt decision and you all will probably be ready with whatever you want to attack me with and I probably deserve them and will accept it. But this is the only idea I had for posting a fic for the 6 month anniversary so... here you go!

Hope you all like it though! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! Prompts are welcome!

Thank you all for reading!!!!!!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)


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