Ring your Doorbell

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"Wh- Wait... What did you say?" Jake asked, in more disbelief than confusion. Zander hates Jake's guts. How could he agree to do something with him?

Zander scoffed. "I said: Yes. I am going to do..." He motioned vaguely towards the club leader. "Whatever Hailey sets for us."

"Perfect!" Hailey cut in. "I can finally tell you what the task actually is."

"Gee, the tension is killing me!" Milly said sarcastically, striking a dramatic pose before giggling.

"You already know?!" Jake asked, looking at her. "Did Hailey tell you?"

Hailey's cheeks flushed. "Well, Jake, Milly is my friend. And we were the ones to plan this project. Of course she knew." She said, crossing her arms. "But anyways!" she continued, "You two are going to write the club's song for the band competition!"

There was a silence before Jake snickered. "Jeez, Hailey! I know you're not the most fun person on the planet but I was already gonna go that anyway!"

Milly sprang up, elbowing Jake in the arm. "Ah, Jake. You shoulda let her finish talking..." She snickered.

"What do you m-"

"She means that the clubs new song is a love song!" Hailey finished.

Jake and Zander looked at Hailey, then eachother.



The automated voice of the bus played through the speakers. "NOW STOPPING AT TERRINS ROAD"

As Zander stepped off the platform, he opened his phone to the texts he and Jake had sent to eachother.

Jake: so when are we gonna write the song?

Me: I'll go to your house this afternoon. There's a bus that passes by your road.

Jake: kk, when will it come?

Me: Maybe around 4:30pm

Jake: alright, i'll be expecting you at like 5 :))

Me: ok

He glared at his phone screen while shoving his earphones into his pocket. This was stupid. Jake was stupid. He mocks the club for months, then struts his pretty face into the club room and auditions?! And then he sings amazingly?! "God, I shouldn't have agreed... This whole 'love song is a sign of intimacy and friendship' stuff is BS." he thought.

Nevertheless, he rang Jake's doorbell.


Jake looked around his house, looking for any mess. If Zander, the CEO of organises and tidy, was coming over, he had to make a good impression. He got to the kitchen before he heard the sudden bell chimes of his doorbell. Zander's here. Taking a quick look around himself, he called down the hall: "COMING!"

He swung open the door, seeing Zander standing at his doorstep. "I-Uh, come in?" he said, it was a question more than an endearing statement, though.

Im Jake's room, the pair were sitting at Jake's desk, their laptops open. Jake's was to write lyrics and Zander's was to play the beat that Sean picked out.

"U-uhm, so how do we write a song?" Jake asked, looking towards Zander.

Zander sighed, "Well, it's a love song. So, write down how you feel about that girl you like?"

Jake flushed, "WH- You mean Daisy?! Psh! I-I dont have feelings for her!" He wasn't completely wrong... Jake didn't really like Daisy anymore. Over time, he'd slowly accepted the fact that with her duties of Head Girl, and a bunch of extra-curriculars that he couldn't even name, there's no way she'd have time for a relationship.

"Well," Zander interrupted the singer's train of thought, "I mean, unless you're allergic to her, with the turning red and all, I just thought you had a crush on her."

"I did have a crush on her, just not anymore..." Jake said, looking away. His eyes landed on the blank document. "But anyways, let's just start writing."

A/N: please ignore my terrible reasoning for why jake doesn't like daisy anymore this was my first fic LMAO

If I Wrote You a Song | Jander | RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now