Fall in Love

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a/n: this chap might be pretty different than the other two bc my writing style was shit then but it improved here

"Alright! I think we're done!" Jake said, stretching his arms out as Zander punched in the last few words.

"Yeah, we just have to get a recording of you singing to the track Sean gave us. Then we can show Hailey on Monday at the club meeting." Zander added, pulling up the backing track's file.

Jake started to sing. Zander leaned forward into the desk, watching the music program to avoid Jake seeing how red he'd become. Hearing the romantic statements, from Jake specifically, made him feel weird. His heart raced, and he felt his face heat up. Maybe he was allergic to him, like Jake was when he went around that Daisy girl. Was.


He knew that feeling now. Yearning, longing. Love. God, nuh-uh. No way, he wasn't going to take action on this sudden crush on Jake. Jake is too silly. Too immature. He would simply have to bury it down and forget.

Jake took a deep breath when he finished singing. "So... are we done?" he asked looking at Zander next to him.

There was a beat of silence before Zander snapped back to reality. "I- uh- Yeah, yeah we're done. You sang.. good." he said, ignoring his sudden epiphany.

"Thanks!" Jake said with a smile, "Y'know writing a song with you wasn't as bad as I thought."

Zander leaned closer to Jake, which did make his own heart race but Jake didn't know that, "Hm? What's that supposed to mean?" he said, with a smug grin.

Jake moved his chair back, "I- Well it means that me from a week ago would despised writing a song with you, fancy pants." he said, playfully nudging Zander in the shoulder.

"I guess we're on the same page." Zander said, checking his watch: 7:03. He started to pack up his things, "But really, I'm.. sorry for how I acted recently. It was a rather immature thing to do."

Jake cheeks flushed a tone rosier, "I- Uh... It's alright! We're okay now!" he said and flashed Zander a grin.

Zander slung his bag over his shoulder and smiled, "Thanks, Jake." he said and headed towards the door.

"No problem..? See you Monday!" Jake replied, and lead Zander outside.


Jake watched as Zander walked down the side walk before walking back into his bedroom. He flopped onto his bed. Why did he feel all.. icky?. Hmm, he would have to consult someone on that later. He took out his phone, hoping to scroll mindlessly before he got bored. But his eyes landed on a unread message:

Jake raised an eyebrow, he must've not seen the message because his phone was in his pocket the whole time. He looked at the message, might as well reply now.

Hailey: How's song writing?

Me: it was cool. zander just left

Jake's face lit up. Maybe he could ask Hailey about his weird feelings.

Me: oh speaking of zander!!
Me: i feel weird when he's there

Hailey: Weird? How?

Hailey smiled behind the screen, remembering what Milly had said when first Hailey suggested the challenge.

Hailey's attention was drawn back to the screen in front of her. A new message from Jake appeared in grey, contrasting her blue ones.

Jake: idk.. like i feel all sick in my stomach n stuff??

If I Wrote You a Song | Jander | RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now