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Once upon a time, Jeonghan thought they had it all.

He married the love of his life, they were blessed with three beautiful children and he's a respected omega.

Everything was perfect.

But somehow, along the way, pieces fell and now...

The arm draped around his hips feel heavy— so suffocating. Like it was there out of habit.

He eyes the clock on the bedside table, willing it to sound the alarm already.

And when it did, he quickly slipped from his husband's hold and away—- just away from him.

This is what's left of them..


Seungcheol pulls out with a grunt and rolls over to his side. Almost immediately, Jeonghan turns to face the other way, curling as he brings the blanket to cover his naked body.

"Are you going to sleep?" Seungcheol asks, eyes fixed on the smooth skin on Jeonghan's back. He wants to touch it, draw lazy circles on it. He just wants to feel Jeonghan.

He's so close yet so far away.

But Jeonghan doesnt even reply, and instead turns off the lamp on his side.

Seungcheol drapes an arm over his face.

This is what's left of them now..


"But appa you can't come in, Hansol will see you!" Seungkwan's lips were sharp Jeonghan thought it would poke him. One month into 2nd grade and already, his youngest feels like he doesnt need appa's help.

"Who is this Hansol anyway?" Jeonghan asks, suppressing a giggle.

"He's Kwannie boyfwiend." Soonyoung tells on his brother and Seungkwan looked like he wanted to smack him dead on the face (which he might do later anyway). Noticing his middle child is unusually quiet, he turns to Seokmin. "Honey, you alright?" Seokmin had his worried eyes. "They're going to make me sing again, appa. They always ask me to sing."

"Because you're very good at singing, Seok, that's why. Why are you worried baby?"

Seokmin just shakes his head. Jeonghan brings him in for a hug. "You're the best singer out there, my love. Don't worry about it. And if you don't feel like doing it, you can always tell teacher no, okay?"

"But appa! I'm a good singer too!" Seungkwan butted in. Jeonghan poked him on the cheeks, "of course you are, baby! You all are amazing talented babies and appa is very proud of you!" Then he gives them a big hug (and wonder why they're starting to not fit in his arms) and he tells them "alright! Off you go! I'll be here to pick you up later!"

"Daddy wont pick us up?" Seungkwan pouted. He likes it when Seungcheol picks them up because that means ice cream session. "Daddy is coming home late tonight, sweetie. But we can still go to the ice cream parlor, sounds good?" Seokmin and Soonyoung threw their fists in the air in celebration but Seungkwan is still pouting. It was difficult to see him like that as they walked away and into their classroom.

He sighs heavily. Now he's off to lunch with the omega circle. Fun .


Seungcheol massages his temple in hopes of relieving the headache that he knows is coming.

Six months to work on this project and they still ended up delayed. Now the client wants to pull out of the contract and it's up to him to persuade the other to keep it. He cannot afford to lose another client right now— not with the threat of a protest from the underpaid employees.

THREE EMPTY WORDS | JEONGCHEOL FFWhere stories live. Discover now