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People say they are lucky.

People said they're meant to be.

That despite their families arranging the marriage, they fell in love with each other naturally.

Seungcheol can still recall seeing Jeonghan the first time as if it was yesterday. There has always been an intimidating aura around him— being a dominant omega and all. He's confident, spontaneous, a person that says things as it is. He's very wise, humorous and pretty unnerving.

Seungcheol recalls stuttering the first time they talked. Jeonghan had him blushing (something that rarely happens), had him on his toes the entire time.

But he is also very kind, considerate— very loving. He likes taking care of the people he holds close to his heart.

Seungcheol fell in love right away.

And although it took a while before Seungcheol was able to convince him to want to start a family, Jeonghan was a natural when it came to the triplets.

Of course they were overwhelmed. Triplets! Who wouldn't?

But Jeonghan remained calm. He worked so hard on rearing the children. He would religiously wake up every four hours to feed them alternately, wash their clothes even though they can easily hire a help. Jeonghan wanted to do it all. He wanted to be the best father.

He is.

And Seungcheol is still at awe for him.

He wanted to be at least half the parent Jeonghan is. But obligations— responsibilities keep him off it. He'd be stuck in between papers and contracts when all he really wants to do is be at home with his family. To play with his boys and to have sweet uninterrupted time with his omega.

But the business isn't doing well and he has to pull through for the sake of maintaining their lifestyle and to not tarnish both their family names. Seungcheol hated the pressure— despised how everything revolved around money when it should be about family and quality time together.

He wants to tell Jeonghan. He wants to rant, wants to let it all out. He wants to cry and tell him he's doing his very best for all of them, that he doesn't want to be stuck in the office but he has to. Given he's an alpha, they're often portrayed strong and dependable and fierce.. But he's human too.

He has bad days. He's got some dark places. And sometimes all he really wants is to be held by his omega and tell him he's doing okay. That his best is enough. That he'll love him regardless.

Seungcheol lets out a bitter laugh.

Jeonghan doesn't even tell him he loves him nowadays. He doesn't even try to say it. He just hums or nods or does something else but never really says it.

Seungcheol glances at the clock beside him. 6am. He hasn't slept at all has he?

Well, too late to try and get some shut eye now.

So he stands up, quietly walks out of the room and down to the kitchen to prepare some food for the boys.

He readies their cereals first— frosted flakes for Soonyoung, fruity loops for Seokmin and Honey stars for Seungkwan (who claims he's the bestest boy ever and deserves stars in all he does). Then he makes himself and Jeonghan some breakfast in hopes that they would start the day on good footing for once.

Next are the boys lunchboxes. He cooks meat and scoops cupful of rice. He doesn't forget to add the milk boxes and fruits— "balanced diet daddy!" He smiles to himself as Seokmin's voice rings in his ears.

Once done, he goes up to the boys' bedrooms and wakes them up. He would start with Soonyoung (who doesn't need help bathing anymore because he's a big boy) then Seokmin (who doesn't need help too but still stay there and look at him clean himself anyway) and finally Seungkwan who needs extra time waking up because God forbid he needs 10-12 full hours of sleep (apparently, this boy classmate Hansol told him this and he's been doing it religiously ever since).

THREE EMPTY WORDS | JEONGCHEOL FFWhere stories live. Discover now