chapter 2

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This chapter contains weird fairytales thingys I made up. Dont get triggered if they already exist bc I legit just based it off my cover design-
"What the HELL were you thinking?!" Cananda scolded.

America sat on his brothers queen sized bed, covered in scrapes, bruises, and a bloody nose. Not to mention his clothes were torn to shreds and his hair was a disaster. Quite the charmer, right?

America hissed as Canada dabbed his alchohol absorbed cotton ball on one of America's battered elbows. He rolled his eyes and continued dabbing the torn skin. Americas head was turned to other way, attempting to avoid eye contact but if there is anything anyone should know about Canada, it's that he always gets an answer out of anyone effortlessly, no matter the consequences. Canada pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Look, Ame, I love you but you can be a real idiot sometimes. Like a really big idiot. Like the idiot wHO JUMPS OUT FREAKING WINDOWS KIND OF IDIOT!" Canads yelled.

"Well I was practicing flying lessons, clearly." America chuckled half heartedly.

"Ame, I worry about you. I know you dont see this place as... ideal...  but can you at least try and be reasonable? For me and Zeze?"

"I'll try my best not to have the sudden urge to jump out of windows next time." America slightly smiled, still facing away from his brother. Canada gave one last concerned glance at his brother before grabbing the fresh bandages and started wrapping him up.


"AMEEEEE!" A younger voice called.

"I'm in my room Zeze, leave me alone" America buried himself into his pillows and blankets scattered across his bed. Their were  images of his flag printed on a few pillows while others consisted of boy bands and anime fandoms.

"Please Ame! Father told me to practice my maths but I'm frustrated with it! ANDDD, Maple is out with Aussie going to a meet and greet!" New Zealand complained. He was 13, the youngest out of all of them. Dont get me wrong, hes quite intelligent and levelheaded.

"Give me 15 minutes..." America grumbled. New Zealand opened the door, walked in, and placed his school books on top of Americas head. "...fine..."

"Thanks Ames, science first?" America nodded and flipped Zezes book open after he sat up. "We're learning about mythical fairytales and some science behind them. I cant even begin imagine some of the fascinating logic behind most of them!"

"Nice... nice..." America trailed off while flipping through pages. New Zealand suddenly jabbed his finger on page65. "Wha-"

"This one... 'River of Redemption'. This is this weeks task!" Newzealand grinned like an idiot.

"Sounds corny." America rolled his eyes.

The American scanned over the text, not caring enough to give his full attention. He stopped on one phrase, "switching environments". Of course its only a fairytale so it isn't real or anything but maybe... America mentally slapped himself, of course it wasn't real, hes not a complete idiot.

"My class is going to go visit it tomorrow! I'm so excited!" Ze flopped on his older brothers bed and flailed his arms out.

America thought for a second before smirking, "Hey kiwi, does your bus need an extra volunteer?"

"Yeah actually it does."


Russia and Germany knelt down to the bright blue pond. It glimmered in the sun light and was as clear as day. Russia could stare back at his reflection almost perfectly and see all the colorful stones below him.

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