chapter 1

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Story's normally begin with great start, or a rather bad one. All the best stories start with a mysterious person or maybe even someone you can easily call out to from the crowd. Though, that's not how Russia felt. Being left behind and easily forgotten definitely wasn't something that filled the deep void in his stomach, that itched and itched but never satisfied when scratched. Sometimes all you really need is a bystander, someone who at least wants to be within arm length of you. Someone who doesn't mind the colors, and someone who doesn't mind the rhythm of his footsteps. But good friends are hard fo find and pleading can only take you so far, not far enough apparently..

Miracles only happen in fairytales or in meaningful lives. Rus was born average and nothing more. His life was only the pawns on a chessboard. But maybe, just maybe-- one lucky twist of events can be lent to Russia for just a day- a minute at the very least- all he really wants is a friend after all.

Russia woke up with a jolt. Like most mornings, he was heaped in sweat.
"Stupid puberty, stupid siblings leaving the windows closed, stupid stupid stupid..." He grumbled. This little rant of his went on even after he had gotten himself suited and angrily stomped down the creaking stairs with his arms crossed tightly. His ushanka lay entirely over his forehead, quite a goofy look honestly. For being around 6'7 and muscular, he sure could act like a toddler who's candy was just stolen. Russia scoffed loudly and took a piece of golden-brown toast from the large platter in the center of the dinning table. His father was never home, but he always had time to make sure his kids had plenty of food to eat when he was home. Russ scooped his feet into his tall boots and loosely slung his backpacks strap over his shoulder. 'Today is the day.' He told himself. 'I am going to make a friend even if it costs me a trip to hell and back.'

Russia smiled proudly and lifted his ushanka over his eyebrows. Just as he was admiring his determination, his siblings came roaring towards the door like a heard of raging bulls on the run from a butcher. 'If only they were bulls...' Russia rolled his eyes. The stampede left Russia laying on the floor, one leg out the door and the other rested above his head. "Hah, loser!" One called from afar. 'Even if it costs me a trip to hell, huh?' Russ groaned.

The morning birds chirped and the trees swayed with the wind outside the open door. 'Wait...' Russia felt his back pocket and cursed. "YOU LITTLE BRATS! COME BACK HERE AND GIVE ME BACK MY WALLET!" several giggles erupted down the sidewalk. Russia sighed.


"Listen, Germany, they took my cash I spent so hard to work for! My arms are soooo sore! Are you even listening?!" Germany just nodded his head and continued to read his book without a care in the world.

Russia slumped in his chair and sighed deeply.
"Look, you seem to have some... uh... personal issues. Why not rant to me about normal stuff like Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or something." Said Germany while waving his hand in the air, still glued to his book.

"Okay, first of all, what even is pneum- something volcano something... SECOND of all! Your not even normal! All that sciencey mathy gibberish-"

"If you want me to confess I'm smarter then you, I think I already have." Germany said, slightly smirking. Russia just groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I just... I wish things were different, ya know? I wish... I wish I was someone else." Russia clenched his fists tightly.

"Well lookie here emo boy, I've got good news for you"

"Dont make that face Germany, you always do something diabolical when you use that face..."

"I might have just the cure for your "being someone else" issue."

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