Chapter 5

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit content. If you struggle with reading about abuse, please go to the author's note and I will give a brief summary of what happened.

Yuna's POV

Mr. Kang eventually taught us the new drills after getting me to stop trying to kill Jungkook. I think he understands how much that boy gets on my nerves.

I was so focused on Jungkook that I completely forgot about my dad supposedly picking me up.

I hopped into Minjae's car like I always do, and I think he caught on to how tired I was. So he took me straight home. I didn't notice that my dad's car wasn't in the driveway, probably because he's never home when I get back from practice.

I head to my room after watching Minjae back out and leave. I had finally gotten comfortable on my bed when I heard the front door burst open. I listen to the heavy footsteps come down the hall to my bedroom. My door flies open, and there stands my dad, looking extremely angry and extremely drunk.

"Who the hell was that boy?!"

"What boy are you talking about?" I lay on my mattress, unphased by his outburst.

"The boy in the car! You were supposed to get in my car! But you went with him!"

"Okay, one, that was Minjae. I have known him since we were four and you have known him for just as long. And two, you expect me to get in the car with you driving. I can smell the alcohol in your breath."

"How dare you disobey me! Stand up! Now!"

I let out a loud sigh, but stood and stared into his dilated eyes. Then he lifts his fist and punches me. I'm in pure shock. He's never hurt me before. I unfreeze and bring my finger to my lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

"There, that should teach you to listen to me more. From now on, when I tell you to do something, you do it. Do you understand?"

I do nothing but look up at him. He isn't the dad I grew up with, a caring, fun, and responsible man.

"I will take that as a yes. Oh, and I better not see you with that Minjae kid again." And with that, my dad leaves my room with an evil smirk on his face.

I sit back down on my bed and let the tears roll down my face. I pull out my phone and call Minjae.

"Hey, Yuna. I thought you would be asleep by now."


"Are you crying? What happened?"

"He hit me."


"He got mad when I didn't get in his car after practice."

"I'm coming over there and taking you to my house. You can sneak out your window."

"No, Minjae. He'll get mad again."

"I don't care. You're safer with me than with your dad."

"I know, but I'm scared that he'll hurt you too."

"Yuna, you can't be in that house with him. I'm coming to get you, okay?"


"I'll be there in a few minutes."



"Please don't hang up."

"I won't, I promise. Just hang on for a bit longer."

"Please hurry."

"I am, I am. Get ready to run to my car."

"Okay, I opened the window."

"Alright, when I say go, hop out of the window and use those strong legs to dash to my car."





A/N: For those of you that chose not to read this chapter, here's a quick summary. Remember how Yuna's dad was supposed to drive her home? Well, she completely forgot about him and had Minjae drive her home instead. When her dad got home he was very angry and started to yell at Yuna. He ended up punching her, causing her lip to split. She called Minjae and he came to get her out of the house. "And that's what you missed on GLEE!" No, I'm joking. There will probably be a few more chapters like this but they won't be until later. Okay, now I'm done. Bye!

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