Chapter 8

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"Hah!" Rokurou screamed, slashing a pig-man down with his short blade.

"Heeah!" he blocked an incoming wooden hammer with the tip of his left blade, which got it stuck and stabbed the owner of the hammer with the other blade. The enemy daemon screamed in pain and dropped his weapon. The samurai stepped close to the pig, taking the blade out of the hammer and stabbed both into the neck of his now dead opponent.

Seeing his comrades fall in battle, a third demi-human screamed in raged and charged at Rokurou with a rusty double hander in both hands. The daemon samurai turned around and smirked. He easily blocked the incoming swing by holding his blades in an x-formation. With ease, he pushed his opponent backward, causing the pig-man to stagger. With a savage grin on his face, Rokurou unleashed a flurry of slash attacks, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Velvet caught a random arm that happened to fly her way with her own, demonic arm and devoured the piece of flesh in a matter of seconds. She, Seres and Minato had stood out of this fight on request of the swordsman, who had felt the need of a bit of a warm-up.

Minato flinched when a loose finger of all things hit his cheek, leaving a tiny smudge of blood. A little disgusted, the blue-haired boy wiped the stain away and tried to ignore the fact that a demon got hacked into small, little pieces right in front of him. The display reminded him of the time where he first summoned Thanatos, all the way back in April, and how he hacked the Magician to pieces.

Luckily as savage as Rokurou was, he was just as efficient and finished the fight rather quickly. Velvet and Seres had been watching the battle with a neutral expression, seemingly not at all bothered by what was happening in front of them. After the last daemon was dead, Rokurou proceeded to clean his blades with the surrounding snow that was not colored red already.

"Your fighting style is..." Velvet thought for a second "unique" she finished. Minato found himself nodding along subconsciously.

"Just wait until I pull out the good stuff!" Rokurou replied with a grin, sheathing his weapons. The samurai rejoined the group, looking rather proud of himself.

"Not exactly what I call a proper warm up, but it feels great to be fighting again," he said.

"Are you an asura by any chance?" Seres asked out of the blood.

"Yup, you got it!" the male daemon confirmed, putting both hands on his hips. Upon seeing the questioning looks coming from Velvet and Minato, the samurai explained. "Asuras are war daemons. We live for the fight and thrive in it. We're also pretty good at what we do if I say so myself."

"You got the confirmation from my shoulder," Minato said, holding his left shoulder. On the night when the two sparred, the blue-haired boy had received a good hit from the daemon. Even though they were using wooden swords, it still hurt a lot.

Rokurou laughed in response. "Hey, you're pretty good yourself. I hope you don't mind continuing these sessions."

"Talk about training later. We have a sailor to recruit," Velvet urged the two and walked ahead with Seres following. Minato and Rokurou gave each other a look before they decided to pursue.

The group of four was walking close to the cliff. They could hear the waves of the sea hitting the rocks at the bottom, so close were they. The group needed to be careful, as one misstep could possibly end with one of them dropping down the cliffs. Fortunately taking this risk also had its upsides. For one, the chances of meeting any random travelers were diminished, until they came close to Dyle's old hometown. For two, most daemons in the area appeared to be smart enough to know that coming close to the cliff, increased their chances of dying due to an accident. Emphasize being put on the word "most".

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