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Sunday Morning, last day of Summer. I'll miss this kind of days, peaceful and alone. At my room. Such things as last days of Summer is just so sad for me to think,no more peaceful nights and just lying around the house, instead hectic mornings until afternoon in weekdays will start tomorrow.

And when it's Weekends, still hectic since the teachers always give homework even in weekends. No heart honestly.

But anyways, since it's already last day of Summer, i should make this day special by just reading and--

"Hey Sis, we still don't have school supplies 'coz uhm, i forgot about to buy some so... change your clothes we're going shopping." My sister shouted from the first floor, Kwon Eunbi.

"Can you just buy supplies for me? I just want to sleep." I shouted back since i really don't like to do anything today.

I need peace.

I heard footsteps from here and i know that it's Eunbi, she's just 1year older than me so she told me to drop the unnie. She doesn't want to get old, well she actually can't.

"Whatever, but don't complain when Felix bought princess supplies shits." She said leaving infront of the door.

'I don't have any choice then. No special Last day of Summer for this year.'

But that's okay really, i also need a diary for this School Year. New School Year,new diary and new secrets to write.

I went to my walked-in closet and picked my usual clothes at public. Red And Black colored. i used an E-girl clothing since it's the trend these days and it has that look that suits me.

Red and Black is not just the color i have here, i have gray, dark blue, dark gray, maroon, and honestly no bright colors.

Even my room is themed Red-Black since it suits me the best.

I changed my clothes at my walked-in closet that has, zero mirrors. Since i can't see myself in it anyways. I mean, i can still myself in it, but after my birthday. That mirror will be useless.

So yeah, since i already changed clothes i'll meet my biggest enemy again. Sun . This shit is taking the hell out of me. It's fucking hot in here,i should've just bought online instead of leaving the Mansion.

Our Human  maids opened the door for us and bowed, i went in and closed the door.

it's a tradition to make a Human our servant. But i don't really mind that tradition, it's just like a silly tradition. In my opinion ofcourse.


We arrived infront of the mall and it's actually quite empty, even it's the rush hour for School supplies.

We opened our doors and went out of the car. Really this Sun is killing my outsides and insides right now.

The driver bowed and drove the car to the parking lot.

"Let's hurry, Felix!" I told my annoying ass brother while walking in the mall.

He just laughed at me since i'm so irritated at him and left us at the School Supply store.

Eunbi and I just shrugged it off since it's Felix who's gonna get in trouble, not us.

"Let's split up, i'm going to buy notebooks first." I told Eunbi and left her at the book store.

I came to the notebook aisle and find notebooks that suites me. Which is a dark themed notebooks.

I already bought the notebooks that i took at the aisle, i went to the Book aisle next and searched for new Stories that i'll read.

I know this is not necessary for School Years but what you expect? I don't have Human friends. I'm a Loner in that place.

But i don't really care, atleast i don't have someone to comfort once their in despair.

I've always read Vampire stories, these stories makes me calm. Yeah i know it's weird to make me calm, but you can't judge me.

I've bought the books and here i am. At the last section, Diary aisle.

(A/n: i don't really know if this Diary aisle exist but i'll put it anyways.)

There are alot of dark colored diaries and bright ones, bright ones are an eye sore for me but, i think it's my time to change my diary color. Dark colored diaries are now boring for me.

I was roaming at the bright bookshelves when one diary took my attention. It's just a ordinary diary actually,more like a girlish diary and it's so... Different from my taste.

It has glitters in it, and more shits going on there. But the color really caught my attention. It's a mint green colored diary, i didn't really know that a bright color would catch my attention.

It's more like i didn't know that i would love mint green this much.

I took the diary that not suit my era, i'm in all dark clothes and i literally have a bright-mint green colored diary with glitters in my hands.

If i'm a human i know that i'll be weirded at that person too.

When my sister saw me with this bright colored diary shit in my hands, she's shock with my pick of color.

Like literally, shocked. I never bought a light,bright, pastel, colored in my life. Ever.

"Did you just brought a Mint-green Diary with you?" She asked me, eyes locked in the diary.

"Yeah, i just did." I responded with a cold voice.

I mean, my Talking voice is always cold so.

"But it's also disguise, Eunbi." I added, she was confused at what i said.

"If ever someone saw this diary without me knowing, they will not know that i'm the owner since i'm more of a dark concept person." I explained. I'm such a genius at this craps.

"Ohh,nice Chaewon but can you find a Human friend? That explanation of yours literally gives a loner vibes." She said, not looking at me.

We walked at the counter to buy the diary and her other stuffs. She has many stuffs by the way.

"Because i am a loner, duh." I answered with a irritated voice.

"You shouldn't be, you never have a friend since that incident happened. Isn't the time to find a friend again ,Chaewon?"

"Having A friend in this school year will be a bad year to have friends. You know that i'll become one of you in the next few months." I answered.

"You could have a friend last year! Why didn't you made one?!"

"Because it's nuisiance and troublesome."

Someone's diary| 2kim au [ON-HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now