Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I feel the sun on my face I see trees all around me the scent of wild flowers on a breeze its so beautiful in this moment I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth leaving the planet simmering in radiation, fortunately there were survivers.12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs there is now only the ark one station forged from the many. We're told the earth needs another 100 years to be survivable again four more spaced locked generations and man can go home back to the ground.

The ground, that's the dream.

This is reality.

Reality sucks.

I sit facing the dirty stained covered walls the same ones I've been looking at for the past 3 years.

As I sit I listened to the commotion outside knowing something strange is happening but I stay where I am not bothering to get up and look out the small window on the door of my cell. After a few more moment the commotion gets louder and I could feel myself getting irritable so I stand and walk forward a bit. I glance up at the pipe that runs though the small cell then jump up and grab it and started doing chin ups with complete ease.






As I keep going I hear the sound of my door being unlocked


I hear their footsteps as they walk into my cell. 7


'' Prisoner 2-4-1, get down and face the wall '' 9


I jump down then roll back my shoulders and turn to them, only three guards how pathetic. I keep a blank expression on my face.

Maybe there floating me a day early.

'' My birthday isn't till tomorrow '' I say with still an impassive expression

''Against the wall, now''

I blink then turn and face the wall there is no way I'm getting floated early even if it's just by a day.

''Hold out your right arm'' I life my arm in curiosity

I sensed one of the guards coming towards me and in the corner of my eye I see him reach out, as soon as his fingers touch my wrist I spin grabbing a hold of his arm twisting it behind him then bring my elbow down on the side of his head knocking him down instantly. I look up at the other two guards who quickly pull out their tasers and walk towards me with caution, I scoff, now their cautious. The guard on my left moves first trying to taser my side but I'm faster I drop to the floor and kick him hard on his shin. He groans in pain and drops his taser I act quick and pick it up and taser his temple which immediately makes him loose conscious.

''Code 1-4 cell 2-4-1, I repeat code 1-4 cell 2-4-1''

I turn to see the last guard talking into his walkie talkie I run towards him and push him into the wall he brings his taser down on my hip expecting me to drop to the floor but I don't even flinch. I bring my knee up into his stomach making him drop the taser and groan, with the other taser still in my hand I put it on his throat and watch him start to gasp for air. Hearing more footsteps approaching I drop the taser and grab his head hitting it into the stone wall then watch him crumple to the ground. With the sounds of footsteps still approaching I run though my cell door noticing that other prisoners are also being taken.

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