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13 years ago
3rd Person POV
"Look how high I am Mommy!!" Four year old Aria yelled as she was swinging on the swings at a park near her home in Italy. Her mother Maria watched from a near by park bench so she could see her daughter on the swings and her four year old son Alex who was digging in the sandbox. Maria got a phone call and turned her back to the twins for just a minute but that minute would cost here dearly. She quickly turned back around when she heard a cry for help from her only daughter. She realized it was too late when she saw black SUV speeding away. She noticed  the phone call was a distraction and she immediately called her husband in hysterics. Her husband and her 7, 10, and 11 year old sons were soon at the park along with around twenty men to start in the attempts at finding their youngest children. The kidnappers now have the most feared Mafia after them.


Four months later
The hacker in charge of finding the twins burst into his bosses office out of breathe "Sir, we found them, they are in an orphanage in Venice only 60 miles from here."
As they all speed to the orphanage  everyone is silent in thought.
They arrive at the orphanage and rush inside. The lady at the front desk looks up in surprise as everybody rushes towards her.
"We are here for Alex and Aria."

She typed on her computer and looked at the with sorrow.
"I am sorry but they were adopted two days ago by two men who refused to fill anything out. By the time we could stop them they were already gone with the twins. I am sorry."
Everyone is to shocked to say anything but everyone had a similar thought going through their head. They let them get away twice.
The twins were kidnapped for revenge and in an attempt to make the Santos family weak which would make the Italian Mafia crumble but their plan backfired when the Santos family  vowed to find the twins and get  revenge on whoever took them. Instead of making them weak they made them ruthless and unstoppable.

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