Chapter 1

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"Bye Erika," I mutter to my family's chauffeur before exiting the sleek black limo.

I walk across the hot, dry pavement into my school. It's September 17th, and the town is in the middle of the worst heat wave we've had in years.

"Summer! Oh Summer, I have the best news!" My best friend, Jessica yells while running to catch up with me. I continue walking down the hallway.

"What is it?" I ask when she catches up.

Jessica and I have been best friends since the third grade. She's the only person who doesn't judge me behind my back, and who doesn't care about my filthy rich parents. She smiles widely before explaining her news.

"Ryder." she says. I look at her, thinking she's crazy as I slowly twist the lock on my blue locker.


"Well then, crazy lady, what about him?" I ask and Jess giggles. I can't help but smile.

"I'm not crazy! Psh, me, crazy? Definitely not! Anyways, Ryder is having a party on Friday!"

"You mean, like, tomorrow Friday?" I respond.

"Yeah!" she nods eagerly, "And we're going!"

I nod, "Hell yes we are!"

I've known Ryder since grade nine, when I started with weed, parties, and alcohol, so of course I know that he throws some hella awesome parties. He holds them in this huge old red barn which has two floors. There's around 16 rooms on the second floor which all have beds in them, for... Well, you know.

"Yay! Well, see you later." Jessica waves goodbye before walking away to her homeroom.

I put my bag in my locker and take out my history textbook and binder. Before I close my locker I take out a smoke and my lighter and shove them in the pocket of my purple hoodie. I close my locker just as the bell rings, and start to walk upstairs to history. Screw homeroom. It's just attendance, anyways, there's no point in going. On the way up, I see Ryder and smile at him.

"Hey! Summer! You coming tomorrow?" He asks in his deep husky voice. It kind of reminds me of Tayler Lautner's voice.

"Yeah." I grin.

"See you then." Ryder winks and I go to class and take my seat next to Mhari. I hate her. I have to pretend that I don't, though, or everyone will hate me.

"So, Summer, are you going to Ryder's party tomorrow?" Mhari flutters her eyelashes over her muddy brown eyes, smiling at me sweetly.

"Yeah, I am." I roll my eyes secretly when she looks away.

"Oh my gosh, awesome! I'll come say hi."

'Please don't,' i think, and almost laugh at myself. She continues talking, not waiting for my response.

"I am so going to end up with Ryder! We're soul mates, I just know it." Mhari gushes.

"That's cool." I respond. I don't care! Why can't she see that? Ugh.

Finally, the long eighty minutes of history is over. Foods and Nutrition passes quickly. We made pancakes! Yum.

At lunch I step out of the school's gigantic back doors, purse, cigarrette, and lighter in hand. There's this big oak tree where me and a bunch of my friends meet up every lunch. I walk over to it.

"Hey guys." I say while looking at who else is already there as I light my cigarette and take a puff.

There's Jessica, Mhari, Owen, Patricia, Hanna, and Matt. They're all smoking except for Mhari... She doesn't even smoke. Why the hell is she here?

"Mhari is a bitch." Jessica whispers in my ear and I stifle another laugh.

Matt looks at me, "What's so funny, Miss Summer?"

He takes the final puff of his cigarette and stomps it out on the ground. Then, he puts his arm around Mhari's skinny little waist. Hm, well that would explain why she's here...

"Oh, nothing." I answer before sharing a secret smile with Jess.

"Who's all going to Ryder's party tomorrow?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Me!" Patricia, Owen, Jessica, and Mhari answer at the same time.

"Oh my gosh! Jessica! You, Patricia, Summer, and I should get ready together!" Mhari giggles.

"Uh... Sure." Patricia stutters, trying to be nice. I give her the death glare.

'Sorry' she mouths, and I shrug. Whatever. At least Mhari will be with Ryder the whole night, and leave us alone.


Mhari is dating Matt.

So why is she so excited about Ryder?

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