Chapter 12: Shut Me Out (literally)

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Caroline's POV

We are visiting the set again. Dylan is going to be picking us up which is stupid and I refused to go but Jayden told me to because she would be alone. So I guess we're friends now? Well idk because Erin and Louis haven't been talking to me and I'm really upset because I think they're hiding something from me.

Anyways, I get ready. I put my hair down and put on a hoodie. I get downstairs and eat some yogurt.

"Hey" Erin says. I don't respond and continue looking at my phone. Yeah I might be a bitch but oh well.

"Look I know you're mad at me" I cut her off.

"I'm not mad that you split Dylan and I up. I'm mad because you and louis haven't been talking to me and ignoring me and it's really annoying. I didn't know why"

"Really? I just thought you were mad at me so I avoided you" Erin says with a soft smile, "But I'm sorry".

"It's okay" I give her a hug. We go into the room to get ready. Now I just need to make up with Louis, and hopefully Dylan. Even if I shouldn't, I want to make all our drama over. Jayden might've done bad things but at least I made it better.

30 min later, we were waiting for Dylan. Louis said hi to me and we made up so I guess we're good now.

He gets there. By himself. Without Maddie. He doesn't say hi or anything. None of us want to get in the front seat because it's awkward. So Erin, Louis, and Jayden squeeze into the back. And there is no other seats but the front one. So, I decide to squeeze with them too.

"Why don't you just go in the front?" Louis says.

"It's too weird!"

"Just go, sis!" Jayden says jokingly as she pushes me. I almost fall off. I try forcing myself on to the seat again but no. They kept on fighting with me. So, I guess I have to sit in the front to go. But I mean this might be the last time we go to the set. So I'm going to go. I close the door and go up to the front. I try opening the door. But it doesn't budge. Dylan Peasentwell literally locked the door. Then he drove off.


Anyways. I call an uber and I'm not saying sorry anymore. I have no reason to. Soooo

The uber comes and we drive to the set. Erin's waiting outside for me.

"Oh my god!" Erin gives me a hug, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think he'd do that!".

"It's all good. He's just being a dickhead since I broke up with him" I laugh and we go inside. Dylan and Louis are waiting. Jayden is on her phone.

"Oh hi Caroline!" Jayden says.

"Hi Jay!"

"Hi Caro!" Louis says.

"Hi Louis! I hate you"

"Look I'm sorry" Louis says.

"Do you know how it felt to feel like I was being kidnapped? That uber was hella weird. If only you went in the front"

"I'm sorry, okay" Louis says. Dylan gets up and goes to the bathroom. Sketchy. Oh well like I care.

"I'm going to go talk to him" Erin goes into the BOYS BATHROOM just to talk to Dylan. Oh well.

I wait about 10 mins and decide to look around the place. It's been a while and there are so many memories. With my friends. Dylan. Oh my shit. STOP CAROLINE YOU'RE MAKING YOURSELF CRY.

i run to my old dressing room. i run in and start to cry. i put my head down. and i feel something. i feel something that i'm stepping on. i look down and it's my scrunchie. it's the scrunchie that dylan gave me. i used it all the time. and then i lost it and freaked out. i pick it up and put it on.

i have to make things right.

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