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Usually when Luke needed girl advice, he called Ashley. She was a girl, she knew how girls thought, and most of the time she had a pretty good solution to whatever Luke's problem was.

But this time Luke needed advice about Ashley, so he obviously couldn't call her. He had to call someone else instead. Ashton.

Luke was really hesitant about going to Ashton for advice. He felt like Ashton was just going to say something stupid and Luke was going to go along with it just because it was Ashton telling him what to do and of course Ashton knew better than anyone else.

When Luke got to Ashton's house he wasn't surprised that Charlie answered the front door. Despite the fact that her and Ashton had broken up almost a month ago they were still always together. They loved each other too much to be apart, and Luke still felt a little weird about it because of his previous fascination with Charlie, but he'd get over it.

Luke was surprised, however, when he realized that Charlie was drunk. Like, really drunk.

"Oh my God, you're that boy that streaked across the football field! You're the streaker!" Charlie slurred as she pulled Luke inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Uh, yeah, that happened months ago." Luke chuckled nervously.

"Everyone saw your dick." Charlie said blankly, playing with the sleeves of the sweatshirt she was wearing. It was obviously Ashton's and Charlie obviously had nothing else on underneath, Luke could tell because she had it unzipped just a little too much.

"That was the point." Luke shrugged.

"Char, who's at the - " Ashton yelled as he ran up the stairs from the basement and into the area where Luke and Charlie currently were. "Oh, hey, Luke."

"Hi." Luke said awkwardly, giving Ashton a small wave.

"What's up?" Ashton asked, grabbing Charlie by the wrist and pulling her closer to him. He zipped up her sweatshirt the rest of the way and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"He's going to streak for us." Charlie said proudly, slapping Luke on the back.

"No I'm not." Luke giggled, shaking his head. He didn't understand why Charlie was drunk at 7 o'clock on a Thursday or why she was here, but Luke was sure that one day he would look back on this whole encounter and laugh about it.

"No he's not." Ashton said, scowling down at Charlie, who just scowled back.

"I just needed some advice." Luke said shyly, looking down at the floor.

"Oh, okay." Ashton nodded. "I can give you some advice."

"I can give you some advice." Charlie said, seeming very sure of herself.

"Charlie, stop it." Ashton snapped. "Sorry, Luke, Charlie's a little drunk right now"

"I am not." Charlie protested, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Why?" Luke questioned, hoping that Ashton would answer and not Charlie.

"I'm not sure, really, but it's been kind of a crazy night for the two of us." Ashton chuckled nervously. "She called me and asked if I could pick her up someone so I did, and when I got there she was like this."

"Oh." Luke nodded.

"I am not drunk." Charlie said again, slapping Ashton on the chest.

"Baby, why don't you go upstairs and try to rest for a while? I'll be up in a little bit and we can talk." Ashton said softly, rubbing Charlie's back.

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