chapter one

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Angela's point of view:

I sit there watching Jack pace back and forth, waiting for dad to walk through the front door.
He's usually late on a thursday afternoon anyway,
end of week cases seem to drag out into overtime for whatever reason.

Before I can stand, my phone begins to vibrate in my back pocket.
An incoming call from

I press the speaker button, allowing Jack to hear.

" Hello?".

" Hey Angela sweetheart, I can't make it home for dinner, would you and Jack be able to meet me here at the office? We can get takeout if you'd like".

I look down at Jack, he's already nodding with a toothy grin across his face, the dimples in his cheeks deepening.

" Okay, sounds like a plan, we'll be there in five" I stand up off the chair, phone in hand.

" See you soon" He ends the phone call.

Sliding the phone into my back pocket, Jack takes hold of my hand before we walk out the front door, making sure to lock it before making our way over to my car.
I strap him into his booster seat, then slide into the front seat.

It only takes less than ten minutes to get to dad's office, pulling into the free parking space and helping Jack out of his seat, this time he clings to me like a monkey,
a groan escaping my lips.

" Buddy, you're getting too old for this!".

He shakes his head, nuzzling into my shoulder, " I'm only four".

Chuckling before walking through the glass doors, Garcia greets us with her usual wide grin. Jack waves at her as I carry him into the main room, Reid's leant against the bench, stirring his coffee, his lips pulling to the side once he sees Jack and I.

" Hey Angela, Jack! How's it going man?" He asks.

Jack climbs down and off my body, running over to Spencer, pulling his race car out of his pocket and waving it in his face.

" It's a new one for my collection! you like it?" He asks.

Spencer kneels down, and gasps when Jack hands him the car.
Such a simple but sweet interaction.

" This is so cool man, you'll have to show me the rest some time hey?" He scruffs up his hair, causing a fit of laughter to erupt from Jack.

He then runs off into dads office, leaving Spencer and I in the main room.
I watch as he slowly comes back to leaning against the bench, taking a sip from his mug, his eyes not once leaving mine.

I try hard not to wriggle, but his intense eyes almost make that impossible.

" So, I see you've still not applied to work here then?" He tilts his head.

I'd never planned to work here, I know dad would like me to live up to his big name but, I'm just not into it.

I shake my head, " I see you're still drinking black coffee at the most absurd times?".

His eyes flick to the clock behind him, Before finding their way back onto mine, his lips press together forming a defeated smile,

" Times just a measurement, an illusion shall we say".

I just nod, knowing that if I try and go against him he'll bring up a whole list of Albert Einstein's theory on time being an illusion and all of that.

I'm just about to open my mouth to say something when JJ comes walking around the corner, a wide grin on her face once she sees me, walking over and engulfing me in a warm hug.

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