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Angel and i walked down the stairs to the main lobby side by side, still in sleepwear as i was in a bright blue turtleneck sweater and printed puppy dog long pants, i fell asleep in his room last night after about a marathon of Scream movies. Nothing sexual happened thankfully.

Charlie waved at us and i waved back as Angel stretched his arms up above his head while yawning loudly into my ear, i rolled my eyes and rolled my shoulders while stifling my own yawns as we both collapsed down onto the lounges with my legs over his lap.

" 'The Hot New Couple of Hell'? are you two kidding me?"  

I shot my eyes over to the used tampon himself, Alastor, Angel looked over as well.

" What now?" Angel asked as i just perked my brow at the red being.
" What are you on about Al?" I asked while cocking my head

" Are you two a thing now? I didn't know Angel was even capable of being in anything serious." Alastor commented

" Nope, we are not. What ever gave you that impression?" I asking, taking my legs off of Angels lap.

" I heard it over the news." Alastor stated before walking off

I got up and patted Angels head playfully " I'll straighten things out."

I rolled my eyes as i entered the kitchen, I sluggishly walked to where I might find my nuisance. I found him, in the kitchen, angrily muttering himself.

" Angel this, Angel that! What's so good about him?" He muttered as i walked in fully

" Used Tampon?" I called out

Al jumped, letting a little high pitch squeak causing me to raise an eyebrow " You scared me."

" It takes a lot to scare you, Rudolph, what's going on?" I asked, curiously as I ran a hand through my hair before tying it up into a sloppy ponytail.

His lips slowly formed into a small smile, i would even say he moved towards himself closer to me. I chuckled as I sat myself up on the kitchen island.

" I don't want you to see Angel anymore." He stated out of no where

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned myself to face him. He had his arms crossed over his chest tightly with his eyebrows knitted tightly together, his lips were frowning but I  could see that in his eyes that it was not anger but pure jealousy.

" I didn't know you were the jealous type." I commented playfully as i took a sip from the bottle of wine that was on the counter beside me

" I am not!" Alastor protested

" You are too!" I protested back

" You sound like children rather than powerful adults talking out their differences" Charlie said as she enters and leaves the kitchen.

" I wonder if she knows that it's creepy when she does that" I wonder loudly
" You know when she mysteriously invades privacy."

Alastor rolled his eyes at me which i scoffed at " You know that Angel and I are just friends and I'm pretty sure that he isn't into fucking a clown. You can't believe everything the news says"

" A load of shit." Alastor nods before looking at me  " I used that right, right?" He asked

I chuckled, my hands caressing the top of the bottle before running down to the base of the wine bottle " Yeah, your right." I answered before watching as he walked on over to me and moving in real close which was too close for me, i slipped away and off of the counter and away back to my room.

Alastor x Male!Clown!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now