+02 : Who are you?+

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As we were getting close to the middle we were face to face with Team 3...

Dream and BadBoyHalo

"Oh fuck" We spoke in unison.

Dream's POV:

"Who the muffin are those two? I don't think I've met them before, have you?" Bad asked. However, I was just as confused.

"Uh no I don't think so but if they made it this far they have to be pretty good" I stated as I equipped my diamond sword.

'Zero and Xavier? Hm..I'll look into them later' I thought to myself as we stared down the two who were also well equipped.

"Ready Bad? Make sure to plant those cobwebs everywhere so we can knock them in and then- what where is that zero person going??" I uttered in disbelief.

"They just left their teammate behind?" Bad questioned as he began planting the cobwebs all around.

"Let's just focus on this Xavier guy for now, we can take him" I said before sprinting towards him and attacking each other. We kept clashing for a while as we each kept dodging the hits. I was so close to hitting him to a cobweb until-

"AGHHH DREAM HELP" Bad yelled in shock, I turned to him and saw that he was stuck in a cobweb,

"HOW DID U GET STUCK-" I interrupted myself as I saw Zero shooting arrows from a distance,

'They must have shot bad from afar, so he would get pushed into the cobwebs, damn smart move' I inferred whilst quickly running to defend bad but I was stopped when Xavier attacked me again.

"Crap, Bad we're kinda in a tough situation here try to free yourself. I have to take this Xavier guy head on" I spoke once more before rapidly attacking him with my sword in which seemed to be doing a lot of damage.

Xavier (Team 10) had been eliminated by Dream (Team 3)



Dream (Team 3) has been eliminated by
Zero (Team 10)

"WHAT? WAS THAT TNT? Bad how are you holding-"

BadBoyHalo (Team 3) has been eliminated by
Zero (Team 10)

"NOOOOOOOO DREAM" Bad cried in disbelief, "Zero shot me with fire charges I think that's what they used to activate the TNT Xavier planted noooo"

"Damn those were some of the most smartest moves I've seen, we did good though let's spectate I wanna see how far they get" I said as I watched Zero run to their next opponent.

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Xavier thank you for the sacrifice, F's in the chat guys. Took one for the team!!" I announced before searching for the other teams.

"Jesus I can't believe you're plan actually worked though" Xavier chuckled, "By the way, it looks like the other team was eliminated along with DanTDM so that just leaves..."

"Technoblade" I shuddered, "At this point I think I'll fight with the enchanted sword now"

"The barrier is getting smaller he's waiting at the center" Xavier informed me as I quickly reached the center where the game once began.

"Lord we're having a literal stare down" I spoke nervously as we both stood quite a few blocks away from each other before finally Technoblade ran straight towards me.

"LETS GO ZERO" Xavier cheered. We both hit each other three times before separating and aiming arrows at each other. I went in circles and placed a few cobwebs but he kept avoiding them.

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