Chapter 1

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"You're fired."

Those two words struck me like a lightning bolt. I definitely did not do anything wrong. I was a hardworking employee. I had put all of my effort into this job.

"B-But why S-Sir?" I stuttered

"Because I feel like it. Now get lost before I call security," he said. I stared at my boss wide-eyed. Did God not give this man some mercy. I wanted to spit and curse at him, but I didn't want to get thrown out by security either. So I went to my desk, collected my things, and left without a word.

I walked through the busy streets of the city. Tears welled up my eyes. This job was was how I was paying my bills and taking care of my sister, Amy's school fees. I couldn't afford to lose it.

As I continued walking through a lonely street, a question hit me. How was I going to tell this to Amy? She'd freak out. With all those thoughts, my head throbbed with pain, and before I knew it I collapsed.


I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see a hospital, but instead, I was in a room. A room that looked like it was decorated in the 18th century.

"So you're awake." a deep voice said.

I looked to see at the speaker. To my surprise, I saw a tall and fierce-looking guy. He was way too pale for a human, had light brown hair, which covered most of his forehead, his green eyes stood out like Emeralds and he looked no more than 28.

"I'm s-sorry who are you? And where am I?" I asked. I tried my best not to stutter, he looked terribly terrifying.

"I'm someone who if you discover the identity of, you'll run out of here as if you've been freed from prison after 50 years. And as per the location, you're somewhere safe." his gaze burned into mine.

"Can I leave now?" I asked as a sat up from the bed.

"For the sake of your family and your life, I wouldn't recommend that," he said in a cold tone.

"I can't tell if your joking-" he shot me a look that made me silence.

"My enemies have spotted you. They think you're related to me in one way or the other. They'll try to harm you the minute they see you're no longer under my protection."

"I will have my pepper spray ready. Don't worry."

"Lady, you don't know who we are. Pepper spray won't help in any way." he chuckled.

"Then tell me who you are." my tone demanding.

"You really want to know huh? We're vampires. Immortals. We are known to humans no more than blood-sucking monsters. Is this what you wanted to know? I'm sure it's far from what you expected we are." his voice emotionless.

"You want me to believe you're a vampire?" I asked. Obviously, I didn't believe him. I could go anywhere and say I'm a vampire.

"You want proof? Then here's proof." he opened his mouth to reveal deadly fangs. They were sharp enough to end anyone. My heart raced a million miles per hour.

"I- I believe you. But I'm afraid I'll have to leave. I have a 15-year-old sister waiting for me back home. She'll freak out if I don't go to her." my voice filled with worry. I wasn't going to leave my sister alone. Not until my last breath.

"So that's the problem. Fortunately, I have a solution for that. I'll have my most trusted mem bring her here safely. I just need her address." a small smile appeared on his face.

"I don't even know your name." I blurted.

"Xavier. And your Leah. I know." he picked up my identity card and held it for me to see.


After I gave my address to Xavier, I went to take a shower and changed into some decent clothes. After all, I wasn't going to stagger around in my work clothes.

I didn't quite know if I could leave the room or not. Xavier never said I couldn't, plus I was bored, so I decided to explore his house.

House was an understatement. It was a literal castle. The whole castle looked like it was decorated in the 1800s, but it was rustic. I loved the design of everything. Whoever decorated this must have a really good taste in designs.

As I was exploring the castle, I bumped into Xavier and a man and woman by his side.

"Ah, Leah. I was telling them about you. Meet Agnes and her husband William. Both of you, this is Leah. The girl I was talking about."

"It's nice to meet you, Leah. I'm Agnes." the bright-looking woman enveloped me into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too, Agnes." I hugged her back.

The man, who Xavier introduced as Agnes's husband, shook my hand.

After the introductions and greetings, Xavier announced that my sister was here. I was excited to see her again. Of course, she would've been scared. I went downstairs to look at my sister standing in the hallway.

"Amy, my gosh. Come here." I locked her into a bear hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you doing? I heard you collapsed and these men told me to come with them. Is everything alright?" a look of worry on her face.

"Yea I'm fine. Everything's fine. We are just going to stay here from now on until God knows when." I said.

"Oh. That's great." she said. I studied her. She was hiding something. Her voice sounded nervous and scared. Not just from the men who bought her here, it was something more than that.

"Hey, everything alright? You seem nervous." I kept a hand on her shoulder.

"Yea everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be?" she laughed nervously.

"Amy, your lying to me." I said in a firm tone.

"I'll tell you what's wrong. She's been hiding something from you."


A/N: First chapter! Yes!
So I hope you all like it!
Lots of love,

A/N: First chapter! Yes!So I hope you all like it!Lots of love,Esmeralda

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