Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Rosalie walked into Evangeline's room and stroked her daughter's cheek, "It's time to wake up, little one."

Evangeline groaned and pulled the blankets closer to her, "Mom, five more minutes." The vampiress chuckled and kissed her daughter's cheek, "I'm afraid not, Snow. You have an exam today and your project is due." Evan's eyes fluttered open and she met her mother's golden eyes, "Can't I just skip?"

Before Rosalie could respond, Emmett slammed the bedroom door open and plucked Evan out of bed. He tossed his daughter over his shoulder and spun her around the room. "How did my babygirl sleep?"

Evan giggled and she twisted around in her father's hold, "Oh, Daddy!" The vampire beamed and Rosalie watched as her husband and daughter interacted. It had been seventeen years since Rosalie had saved Evan, and they were by far, the best years of Rosalie's life. Even when Evangeline was a baby, she was a beauty and her her beauty has only grown as she aged. It amazed Rosalie how Evan wasn't her and Emmett's biological child; she looked to be a perfect mixture of the two.

Rosalie led her daughter to the white vanity and began brushing her long, ink colored hair. Emmett excused himself from the room and his wife could hear him making fun of Edward. A soft smile spread on the vampiress' face and Evangeline was reviewing her notes for the upcoming exam. After braiding her daughter's hair, they picked out an outfit and Rosalie left her daughter to change. She walked the hallway with a pep in her step and she hummed to herself. Ever since Evangeline became a Cullen, Rosalie had been happy and the family loved seeing her like this.

Evangeline quickly changed into her outfit and bound out of her room. Alice appeared in front of her and Jasper placed a tentative kiss on Evan's temple. The southerner could feel the anxiety roll of his niece and he quickly calmed her down. The human's blue eyes met Jasper's golden ones and she smiled, "Thanks, Jaz."

"Anything for you, Doll."

"You have nothing to worry about, Snow," Alice chirped. "You'll ace that test! After all, I've seen it!"

Evan smiled and tackled her aunt in a hug, "You're the best!" The three of them quickly made their way into the kitchen and Esme handed her granddaughter a toasted bagel with extra vegetable cream cheese. The human made quick work of her breakfast and Edward stalked into the room. He smiled when he saw his niece and gently pulled on her braid, "How did you sleep?"

A soft chuckle slipped from Evan and she leaned into the mindreader, "I slept well, Eddie. How was your night?"

Edward snorted, "Boring as all hell."


School was boring for the most part, and Evangeline found herself staring outside. Like usual, Forks was surrounded by thick storm clouds and rain threatened to spill from the heavens. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she tapped her pencil against her notebook. The rest of the class was finishing their exam and Evan was waiting impatiently for everyone to finish.

Alice was right, Evangeline had nothing to worry about regarding the exam. She liked to think that she had an edge over the other students, after all, it wasn't as if they had the tutors of seven immortals at the tip of their fingers.

A few other students finished the exam and Evangeline could hear their summered conversations. Everyone was talking about the new girl, Isabella Swan, or as she liked to be called, Bella. Evan had yet to meet the new girl, but according to the men in class, Bella was a beauty.

Evan couldn't help but think about Bella. Nothing would come to fruition between her and the new girl, but she couldn't help but wonder what a friendship between the two of them would be like. While she wouldn't admit out loud, she was lonely. Evan wished that she could have a human friend, to have someone that she could confide in. Sure, she could talk to her family, but she wanted a friend more than anything, a mortal friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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