Part 3

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"HYUNG! We brought you out to hang out with you and-oh. Who the fuck is this?"

The small silver haired boy hid behind Yoongi before they could see his face, scared by how loud Hoseok was.

Yoongi sighed, "This is Tae-"

"Dude did you really ditch us to fuck? We were supposed to be spending time together!" Hoseok was fuming, face red. The others didn't seem as mad, but they didn't seem happy either. They stood behind Hoseok at the entrance, frowns etched in their faced.

"No, I didn't. I was helping Taehyung find his apartment, he got lost, and he lives in this building. He asked to come up to mine and I said yes, we aren't gonna fuck, you dick. And what do you mean spend time together? The second you finished your first drink you dragged Jimin to the dance floor and left me alone!"

Hoseok huffed, "So?"

"So? The fuck? You wanted to hang out and then you ditch first, and then yell at me for helping someone! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Taehyung was confused, he didn't know what the fuck was happening and he didn't like how they were screaming at each other.

"Um, am I causing an issue?" He asked, head poking out from above Yoongi's shoulder, the boy having to stand on his tip toes.

"Holy shit he's cute,"

"Namjoon what the fuck? You're sleeping on the couch,"

Jin glared at his boyfriend, who cowered behind Jimin, though the younger was shorter.

The blonde rolled his eyes, turning his head to the youngest in the room, "No sweetheart, you aren't causing an issue. My idiotic best friend is just a giant asshole sometimes that only thinks about himself,"

The room went dead silent, Hoseok staring at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"I'm your best friend?"

"Duh, I just said that. That was the only thing you heard? Not the shit about you being a self centered dick?"

But the orange haired other just sniffled, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. He took a short step forward, and Yoongi objected, "No Hoseok. No,"

Hoseok took a few more steps and engulfed the elder in a suffocating hug, one Yoongi loudly protested, "Let me go! Fuck off dude!"

"Hyungie, why can't he give you a hug? What's so wrong hugs?" Taehyung asked, now exposed with no one to hide behind.

"Because I don't fucking like hugs," He spit, quickly noticing the frown that made it's way to the youngests face.

Taehyung pouted sadly, elicting coos from Yoongi's friends who he hadn't acknowledged yet. Yoongi sighed, wriggling his way out of his best friend's grip and standing besides the youngest..

"Guys, this is Taehyung, he just moved in. He's the youngest and I just realized I know basically nothing else about him," The blonde shook his head at himself. He had just been so.....bewitched by Taehyung's beauty.

Jin scoffed, "So you know nothing about this kid, and yet you still let him into your apartment? It took Hoseok 2 years to be let it,"

"What are you guys even doing here?" Yoongi switched the subject quickly, feeling mildly uncomfortable "Didn't even look like you noticed I left,"

"Hoseok Hyung wanted to yell at you, I'm just here to watch," Jungkook shrugged, snickering when both Hoseok and Yoongi glared at him.

Yoongi sighed again, "You guys are already here, might as well stay the night, it's pretty late,"

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