The Claiming

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"Lets just get this over with." He said. Dante striped down to his underwear and got on his stomach while laying on the bed. Morrison can see tears still. He got on top of him like Trish told him and wrapped his arms around him. Dante was now on all fours shaking. "I've got you Dante." He said. "Just hurry up and bite me." He replied. Dante exposed his neck and Morrison bitten it hard. Dante shooked and moved his hips. After a minute he didn't orgasim like so. Morrison let go of his neck and sat up. "Morrison... Please. I need... I didn't..." Dante moved his hips up and down Morrison's leg. He texted Trish on how long it would be be for he orgasimed and the reply was: 'It might be at least 15 minutes after the bite, but if it's longer than 15 then help him.'

'Help him how?'

'Use your hands and if that don't work after 10 to 20 minutes I suggest fucking him.'

'You're kidding?'

'Nope. I also suggest that you actually touch him if you use you fingers. Re a sure him time and time again. Ask him if he's enjoying it, if he says no stop emediatly and ask why then text me back if it's serious.'

'Last question. Do I have to keep doing this evertime he gets horny?'

'The bitting no. But getting him off because of his heat, yes. It will effect you because you bitten him during his heat and are doing the ritual, so you will respond to his needs.'

'Great... Thanks.'

Not what he wanted to hear. Its been over fifteen minutes and asked Trish if he could be on his back for his hands. ' He can. You can use your lips if you want...'

'No thank you.'

He replied. "Dante, on your back." Dante did what he was told. "Now tell me if you feel uncomfortable or you just want me to stop for any reason. Okay?" "What are you going to do?" Dante asked. "I'm going to finger you to get you off." He felt a hand down his underwear and threw his head back as he felt A few fingers entered his vaginal area. "Oh fuck!" Morrison actually stopped. "Keep going! Please keep going!" So he did. He did so for about ten minutes. Dante's underwear was off an his legs were open with Morrison in between. "You seem to be enjoying it, why can't you just get off already?" Morrison muttered. "I'm getting there!" Dante said. Morrison's hand was still down there. "Faster! Go faster! I'm close!" "Finally..." He said. Dante moved his hips, humping his hand and grabbed onto Morrison's other arm and came. After calming down he laid there and Morrison pulled his hand out. "Well you made quite the mess." "Sorry..."

He shook his head. "I also just realized were mates now..." "So we are Dante. For now. We have four months then it over." Dante looked like he could pass out. "Sleep. You look like you are about to pass out." "Stay... I need you to stay..." Morrison sighed. He should have expected that. "I'll check on patty then I'll com back." Dante nodded. He checked on Patty like he said and came back. "You should probably get clothes on." "To tired..." He groaned but didn't protest it. "Fine, don't put on clothes. But you will take a shower tomarrow." He said. "Okay..."  He laid down next him. And pulled the covers over him so Dante could get comfortable. Dante was on one side and Morrison on the other.

He turned his back to Dante and tried to sleep. That is until he started moaning. He turned his twords him. "What's wrong now?" "Sleep close... Please?" Morrison sighed. Trish did say don't deny him of comfort. "Alright." Dante faced him and Morrison got closer and draped his arm around him. "Better?" "Better..." He said smiling. After that he fell asleep and so did Morrison.

After waking up in the morning, both Morrison and Dante got up. "Go take a shower." "But-" "NOW..." Dante grabbed clothes and headed twords the shower quick. 'That kid is going to be the death of me...' He thought. He realized Dante left his guns there on the bed, picking it up he decided put it somewhere safe until Dante got back. Morrison the heard a scream and shot out of the room with the guns in his hands. Patty was in the living room but looked scared. He was about to ask what was wrong but he then heard the scream again from the bathroom. He opened the door and saw a demon that looked like a bull with black fur holding Dante's arm and was up against the wall. "You smell very... Delicious." Morrison pointed the gun at the demon and shot him. The demon looked at him. "Let him go." "Or what?" "Or I'm putting another round of bullets into you." He said. The demon let go of Dante. A fresh scratch was visible on the demons face and a cut was also on Dante's thigh. With that, Morrison shot the hell out of him in a pissed off manner. The demon fell and he ran to Dante to check on him. "You okay?" Dante just stood there. "Dante!?" Still nothing. He pointed down and Morrison looked to where he was pointing. His eyes widen when he saw blood from his vaginal area.

"It hurts... It was too big to fit..." He said, tears down his face.  Morrison grabbed two towels one for his head and waist. He walked him out to the living room and sat him on the couch. He shifted to his side because he couldn't sit. "Can you heal at all?" "No..." He called Trish and told her what happened and she needed to get over here quickly. He sat on the couch where his head was after moving it, and laid his head on his lap. Dante was actually cringing whitch made him more upset. "Is he going to be okay?" Patty asked. "Yes... He will. I know he will." A after a few hours he had not stopped bleeding. A knock on the door interuped the silence. Well except the sobbing.

Patty open the door and Trish and lady walked in. "He still bleeding?" "Yes and we are running out of towels." She lifted up the waist towel and said he should have healed already. "Shit. That looks bad." They heard a growl from the bathroom and Morrison about got up with the pistol and lady told him to stay with Dante. The demon was not dead and came out of the bathroom staring at the Morrison with a murder look.

He still had Dante's gun out so if he charged at him he was ready to shoot. One shot from lady's gun and the head was no more on his shoulder. Dante's body began to heal. "Huh. He's healing now." Trish point out. Morrison sighed in relief. "Thank fucking god." "It's probably best if we stay here to keep an eye on him. In case something like this happens again." Morrison nodded. After filing lady in on what was happening Dante calmed down quite a bit. "Alpha.. " he said. Morrison looked down at him. Dante sat up and rested his on Morrison's shoulder and started purring. "Aw. He's happy." Trish said. "This kid is going to be the death of me..." He looked down at Dante again. 'As long as you're fine, I'm okay with this.' He kinda smiled at that. As lone as Dante was okay he was okay. At least he's happy. For now anyway.

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