Pampering And The Heat Again

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[I am a terrible writer because English is hard. Even though I passed English class. 😓😒 plus I'm on mobile...]

After a month Morrison and Patty got more protective of him after the incident in the bathroom. Like for instance, Morrison stayed in in the bathroom every time he takes a shower and Patty, with all the training she got, she walk around with him everywhere he goes. Trish and lady act as bodyguards when Morrison and Patty aren't around.

On this particular day, Dante's heat was acting up. Morrison and Dante were walking to the location of their job to get leads on the demons that run the hotel. Well Dante's heat acted up and Morrison noticed it. Well more like smelled it. "Dante... Are you in heat?" "No I'm not. Let's just head back into the room. I'm tired." "Don't lie to me Dante." "I'm not." "DANTE." Dante knew that tone in his voice. It meant he knows he's lying. "Ok fine. I'm am. Happy?" "No I'm not. I could have gotten you off." "I didn't want to be a bother." "You are not a bother." "You're just saying that because I'm your mate and It's affecting you because of it." Morrison grabbed him by his arm and yanked him back. "That maby true but it effects you more." "Do you even care about me?" "Of course I do! That's why I did this!" Dante shifted uncomfortably. "I do care about you. I really do. I just never thought it be like this." "After the four months or three in this case, are over it wouldn't mean nothing." "So me getting you off and willing to mate with you to help you not get raped, means nothing?" "I... No. I just... I think I'm not worth the effort to be mated or be loved."

Morrison turned him around to face him and grabbed his face. "You are worth the effort. You are someone or something to worry about. You are someone that a person is willing to love. You may not see it, but we do." Dante started crying and shaking his head. "No I'm not." Morrison whiped his tears away. "Yes you are. Look at me Dante." Dante did look at him. "Yes you are. You are someone to worry about. And lady and Trish do care about you or else they would not be here. Do you understand?" He asked. Dante nodded. "Now if I hear you say this again I'm kicking your ass or have Patty tell you how much she cares about the whole day. Got it?" Dante smiled. "Y-yes." "Good. Now do you want me to get you off or do want risk it?" Dante thought for a moment. "Get me off Please." "Lets go then." They head to their hotel room and closed the bedroom door.

Morrison pulled Dante's pants and underwear off, then his shirt and jacket and Dante laid on his back. "Do you want my hands or mouth this time?" Morrison did eventually did it with his mouth even though he didn't like the idea. "Both please." He did just that.

(About 11 minutes in.)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! More! God fuck more! Please more!" Dante lifted his lower body up, with Morrison in between his legs. His legs around Morrison's hip Because he couldn't keep fingering and licking him. "I'm humping as fast as I could go..." He said. "Ah fuck!" Morrison stopped. "M-morris..." "I'm going to give you something else." He removed Dante's legs and Morrison unbuckled his pants and pulled both his pants and underwear. "Morrison-" "Hush. I'm putting a condom on." He said. "It's not skin contact so it fine." After putting one on he stuck it at the entrance. "Morrison, for fuck sake, fuck me! Please fuck me!" Morrison smiled at him. He putted it in and Dante moaned as it kept going in. "What are you, 9inch!?" "11 thank you." After going in all the way he let Dante breathe. "You okay?" "Yes... Fuck me please." It wasn't Dante's first time he done this but he still felt tight to Morrison.

He started to moved. He moved faster and faster and faster then whent hard on him. "Fuck! Cumming!" "Go ahead. Do it. Do it Dante. Do it for me." Dante grabbed Morrison and threw his arms around him. Morrison did the same. They both came and rode it out, then he pulled out. "That took a lot out of you..." "Thank you... Morrison." He said. Morrison brushed Dante's hair back. "I'll do this next time if you want." "Please?" Morrison chuckled. "Yes. I will now that you enjoyed it so much..." 'Call me crazy but, I think I might end up loving him. I mean, I care about him, but...' "Morris..." "Hmm?" "I'm... Wanting you again..." Morrison stuck it back in. "You're not tired? I thought you were going to tell me no?" "I'm giving you what you want. Do you want me stop-" "No! Please God no! I want it!" "Then I'll give it to you." He said. 'Yes Dante. I'll give you what you want. When you want it, how you want it! I'll give you something I have.' He thought. 'This kid is going to be the death of me... And I love it...' Yes he did love it. And will continue to do so for as long as he's living.

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