Chapter 2: Chase and Skye

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Chase POV
Everest and Rocky's muzzles are touching, and they both blush. If only it was me and Skye, I'm in my thoughts for 5 minutes, thinking Skye is kissing me ....

Skye: CHASE !!!

Me: ... Uh? Yes ?

Skye: This is the 5th time I've called you!

Me: Uh .. sorry.

Skye: I just wanted to ask you a question. Do you think Everest loves Rocky? Because she blushes ...

I look at Skye with dreamy eyes, I just want her to be my girlfriend.

Skye: CHASE !!!!!!!!!

Me: Yes ? I don't know. Maybe yes.

All of our puptags are beeping.

Ryder: Paw Patrol! to the Lockout !

Everyone: Ryder needs us !!

We all rush into the elevator, before Marshall falls on us.
My muzzle and Skye's muzzle are touching.
I blush hardly.
Later, I say my catchphrase.

Ryder: Alex is missing! We must find him !!
Super Spy Chase! I would need your drone!
Skye! You will help us to search!

I say my catchprase, and same for Skye.

Ryder: Alright ! Paw Patrol is on a roll .....

Ryder sneezes and coughs.

Marshall: Ryder, you're sick, you have to stay here.

Ryder: What? Ok, Chase and Skye you're going without me.

A mission with Skye! Yes ! Without Ryder! Maybe I could tell her that I love her.
30 minutes later, we found Alex, he was lost in the forest.

Skye turns on the engine of her helicopter but it does not start.
I call Ryder and explain the problem to him.
He told me to take Skye in my vehicle because it will be the night.
On the way, I look at Skye, she is so beautiful!
We arrive at the Lockout, and it's the sunset.

Me: S-skye, do you want to watch the sunset with m-me?

Skye: Yeah, sure!

I park my vehicle, and we watch the sunset.

Me: S-skye. I love you. I understand if you don't feel the same.

Skye: I love you too Chase.

Skye kisses me.
It's the best day of my life.
Skye comes to sleep in my puphouse, because her puphouse is not here.

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