Forever and Ever

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Once upon the last day of a golden summer, there was a boy... and a mouse.

A short, chubby rodent Pokémon appears in a forest setting. The creature was covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, brown eyes, and two red circles on its cheeks. There are pouches inside its cheeks where it stores electricity. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur at the base.

As the electric mouse Pokémon walks through the forest area, it is distracted by a few butterflies flying around the creature. It attempted to catch one of them but fails. After that, the electric mouse Pokemon resumed his walk through the forest, with the butterflies following it.

The boy, who we shall meet in a moment, was called Ash Ketchum. The mouse was called Pikachu.

Pikachu suddenly stopped walking when he notices a V-shaped gap in his path. It didn't stop the creature, as it managed to easily jump over the gap and continue his walk. The butterflies were still following the electric mouse Pokémon.

The small Pokémon's eyes were closed and was smiling, as it is continuing to walk to his destination.

And together, they had many grand adventures in a remarkable place called the Hundred Acre Wood.

As one of the butterflies flew above the river, it suddenly stopped and appears to be frightened by something. It appears to be a bit scared of how the river was distorting the electric mouse Pokémon's reflection, in the water, to make it appear like its body was being split into separate pieces.

But the grandest and most extraordinary of all those adventures was still to begin.


Pikachu continued his walk through the forest. He eventually comes across a log that was blocking his path. The electric mouse Pokémon decides to climb over the log. When he successfully climbed over the log, he jumps off and lands on his bottom. He gets up and resumes his walk through the forest.

Eventually, Pikachu notices an average small-sized gap, underneath one of the tree's big roots. He decides to crawl under it. Pikachu likes to try to crawl under small gaps.

"Today, I believe," Pikachu begins his statement, as he managed to crawl under the tree's big root. He then continues his statement, as he resumes walking to his destination. "is a good day for being Pikachu."

Eventually, he comes across a river and notices big-sized rocks, sticking out from the water. Pikachu begins to hum.

"Dum, de-dum-de. Dum-dum, hmm-hmm."

While humming, he's hopping on top of each rock with grace and ease, successfully making it to the other side. Once there, he continues his walk.

At last, he reaches his destination. He arrives at a small hill, with a huge tree sitting at the top. Pikachu walks up to the top of the hill while having a smile on his face. This is one of his favorite places to be.

"And here, I should say, is a good place for being Pikachu." The electric mouse Pokémon stated as he starts to climb up the tree.

"Dum, de-dum-dum. Dum, dum-dum." He said as he hums and climbs his way up the tree. He then pulls himself up to a branch and lays down on it.

He didn't have much trouble climbing the big tree because he has climbed it before many times throughout this summer.

"Any reason, that I think of, is a good one for being Pikachu." He said while resting on top of the branch.

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