The Map Crisis

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This way and that way the map led them, to all the places Ash Ketchum wasn't, but to none of the places he was.

And still Bunnelby refused to realize the map didn't know which way it was going.


Pikachu and his friends have reached the Lookout Hill, where Bunnelby, who holds the map, is about to tell them where they need to go next.

"So!" The rabbit Pokémon started to say, without knowing Persian was behind him, mimicking his every posture. "We first head east by south, then south by east."

"Of course, minus the magnetic variation, plus the wind drift, we clear go...This way!" He exclaimed, while the wind accidentally scrolls the map back up with Persian's nose inside of it. Bunnelby immediately takes the map away from the classy cat Pokémon.

"I wonder," Pikachu interrupts Bunnelby, while pointing to a group of mountains in the far distance. "if those rather forbidding-looking things might be the Forbidden Mountains? Where Ash Ketchum is?"

The group examined the mountains, and immediately, they knew that Pikachu was right. Those are the Forbidden Mountains.

"You're right, Pikachu!" Piplup shouted.

"You found 'em, buddy!" Persian exclaimed as they group was about to head towards the mountains.

"Excuse me?" Bunnelby said, causing the group to stop walking.

"The way to there is over here." He said while pointing in the direction where he thinks they should be going in.

The rest of group were confused because the mountains were over in this direction, but Bunnelby wants them to take a different route to get to them.

"But, Rabbit," A confused Pikachu said, while walking over to Bunnelby, who was reading the map. "isn't that them over there?"

Bunnelby's face expressed annoyance towards the electric mouse Pokémon's question.

"Now which are you going to believe," Bunnelby started to ask his confused friend, while giving him the map. "this official map or your own eyes? Look for yourself and you'll see we're right on course. It's all right there in black and white."

Pikachu was struggling to read the map as the heavy winds were constantly trying to blow the map off from his hands. Eventually, Bunnelby takes the map back from Pikachu.

"Why would anyone want to wander around, wondering which way to go, when they have a map to follow?" Bunnelby asked, before starting to sing a song.

A map is not a guess

An estimation or a hunch

A feeling or a foolish intuition

"Yes, but..." Pikachu started to say, before getting interrupted by Bunnelby's singing.

BUNNELBY: A map is a dependable

Unwavering, inarguably accurate

Portrayer, of your position

BUNNELBY: Never trust your ears

Your nose, your eyes

Putting faith in them

Is most unwise

Here's a phrase you all

Must memorize

In the printed word

Is where truth lies

"Yes, but Bunnelby..." Pikachu again getting interrupted by the rabbit Pokémon.

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