Catherine Feodorovna Nikolaevna Romanova
She is a Female
She is straight
Grand Duchess of Imperial Russia and Princess of the German Empire
Played at ages of 18, 25 and 30
She is believed to have been killed in the Revolution of 1918 when the soviet and bolshevik revolutionist forced the Abdication of her brother and claimed power over Russia before imprisoning the family for 5 months, than killing them
She was known as "Her Imperial Highness" or "Your Grace" for the reason of her family's Immense Wealth and Power over Asia and Europe. She is a kind soul but takes her house reputation seriously and wants to keep expanding their large Empire.
The Russian Empire Controls about 75 percent of Asia and 19 percent of Europe. They are still greatly expanding as well making them a huge Empire in history and possibly the biggest
Her husband Alexánder Alexandrovich Romanov-Wilhelm of Germany and Russia
Catherine and her husband are a very loving couple and he is very caring of her and both of their families. They are also a beloved royal couple as people think they are so good for eachother and the alliance it made has helped millions of people
Anichkov Palace in Moscow [A Neek Of]
Livadia Palace in Saint Petersburg [Lee Vad E uh]
Attire 1 [Normal Attire]
Attire 2 [Ballgown]
Attire 3 [Coronation dress]
Her Siblings:Nicholas II of Russia [Grand Duke and Future Czar]
Mikeal I of Russia [Grand Duke]
{Just like Micheal}